Making the Future Female


The recent reactions to the film about Mohammed have to be taken with a pinch of salt. Are we really supposed to believe that all these protesters saw the clip? The fact that most of the demos happened after Friday prayers leads me to think it was an orchestrated campaign by religious leaders. Why should anyone be bullied into silence by these unrepresentative preachers? I’m certainly not scared by this show of force – if there was anything to Islam they wouldn’t be scared of a silly movie.

Remember that the Saudi Arabian monarchy is bankrolling the fundamentalist movement with petrodollars and support of the UK and US. They’re behind the Islamic terrorism and the oppression of women. There’s no democracy, gender equality or tolerance of gay people in Saudi Arabia – they rule by absolute power through their many offspring.

Guess how many royal princes there are in Saudi Arabia?

7000 – That’s a fucking lot of princes. We’ve only got a few in England and that’s far too many.

I’ve seen Facebook posts by Christians supporting Muslims in their anger – WTF is that all about? I’ll tell you – they’re all in the bullshit business together. Nobody with half a brain believes any of this religious nonsense.

Angels, the Holy Spirit, books dictated by Archangel Gabriel, gold plates and the lost tribe of Israel, scientology, burning bushes, the Garden of Eden and a talking snake, Lot’s wife, Adam’s rib, communion, Papal infallibility – it’s all shit. 

Let’s stand up to these bullies!


This is not satire 😉

A senior Iranian official, Javad Mohammadi,  says US President Barack Obama could face legal action in connection with the production of an anti-Islam movie by an American Jew.

“A complaint could be filed with US courts against Obama for his violation of articles 18 and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) calling for respect of faiths,” the deputy head of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution (SCCR), said on Sunday. 

“Article 18 and 27 of the ICCPR, adopted by the United Nation, stipulate that the religion and the rights of the minorities should be respected,” 

The US government is a signatory to this covenant and has to respect it. Therefore, an individual or an NGO (non-governmental organization) can file a lawsuit against the president of the country for breach of the covenant,” he added. 

Mohammadi heaped praise on the Muslims for their massive protests against the movie, noting “Protest against insults to religious sanctities should not be limited to time, place and customary reactions and we should undertake legal measures.” 

“The world’s elite know pretty well that Islam is a divine religion and Muslims have always respected divine religions and messengers and would never remain silent vis-à-vis any desecration,” said Mohammadi.

PS I’ve just read the ICCPR and it doesn’t say that at all – what a prat!

5 responses

  1. Morning, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction isn’t it. As you’ve said in this post, many of those protesting couldn’t possibly have seen that documentary. I’ve not seen it myself to be honest, but those religious folk can be whipped up into a frenzy at the command of their preachers, it’s tragic how they’re so willing to play follow the leader.

    September 17, 2012 at 5:40 am

    • Morning mate. The word ‘religion’ has its roots in the idea of binding and tying. This explains a lot. Think about ‘orthodoxy’ from the Greek words ‘ortho’ meaning straight 🙂 and ‘doxa’ meaning ‘opinion’. So this shows us it’s the so-called leaders who tell their followers how to think and act. Religious folk are bound by their faith and told what to do.
      In this light, it’s quite obvious why these things happen. Also remember the Emperor’s New CLothes – nobody wants to be the one to disagree – it’s dangerous to be different in those situations – especially when most do not have education. It’s difficult enough here when I say something different 🙂
      I was reading about British imperialism and particularly about our role in the coup in Iran in the early 1950s. When the UK and US wanted to topple the democratically-elected nationalist government and replace it with the repressive Shah, they simply paid the Shia Ayatollahs to bring their followers onto the streets and cause riots. This was blamed on the other side giving a pretext for the military to step in.
      It’s the same with every group – Catholics, the British, etc – if you challenge the orthodoxy, people who know little are quick to police the status quo – I’d say the less people know, the quicker they are to react as it covers-up their lack of awareness.
      This is a big problem for those of us who see change as necessary.
      Lovely to share ideas as always mate.

      September 17, 2012 at 8:41 am

  2. Pingback: RELIGION IS A PILE OF SHIT | Mental Health, Politics and LGBT issues |

  3. Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water! Not all people who believe in a religion are violent, fanatic zealots! And that goes for both the Middle East and the West.

    The people who are staging these violent protests are men looking for an excuse to vent their hatred. The Imams may have lit the fuse but the anger was already there. If we truly want to stop the violence then we have to understand the root cause of the discontent.

    I don’t know enough about Muslim countries to offer any suggestions but when I look at fundamentalists in the West I see poverty, lack of education and a general sense of hopelessness. When the world you live in is shyte then anyone who offers you goodies in the afterlife is going to wield a lot of power. If those ‘preachers’ also tell you that all of your faults are really virtues that you should be proud of then they will have their congregations eating out of their hands.

    The way I see it, in the West these preachers are big fish in a small pond. Unfortunately there are a lot of small ponds and lots of unscrupulous people grabbing power any way they can.

    Reduce the huge gap between the very rich and the very poor and those ponds will dry up, taking the need for violence with them.

    September 17, 2012 at 11:31 am

    • I’ve just written almost the exact same points in my latest post – so great minds think alike again.
      Are you religious then?
      I’ve studied most faiths and have yet to see any difference between them. Of course I’m open to evidence and ideas if you have other views I’d love to hear them x

      September 17, 2012 at 12:34 pm

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