Making the Future Female



The Womanifesto is the philosophy underpinning the novel

DOG Sharon: The Future is Female 

The Womanifesto calls for a positive re-evaluation and adoption of what have traditionally been referred to as Female Values and Perspectives with a corresponding paradigm shift in human affairs.

By this we mean an emphasis on cooperation and community rather than competition and individualism, with society organised to protect its weakest members, namely children and the elderly.

In the present global economic system we are told there is no alternative to production being governed by the Market.

However there can be no production without people and people are created by reproduction.

Therefore whoever controls reproduction controls production and future human society.

This explains why religions and other bastions of male power have worked so hard to regulate and deny female sexuality.

These sad people kill to oppose abortion, fight against birth control and do anything to prevent children getting proper sex education.

The rulers need our children for their wars and as workers, but they don’t want to acknowledge the power of reproduction.

They can’t let the women speak out.

So they denigrate the Feminine and attack women because they’re scared.

When women manage reproduction, the risk posed by overpopulation – probably the biggest challenge facing humanity – will quickly diminish and our species will no longer threaten all other life on the planet.

If women see a future where their children will be working for slave wages or die in wars or starve or die of thirst – if women see this, they will refuse to bring more children into the world.

Why should women give birth to children in a society that abuses most of the people most of the time, a society that lets tens of thousands of kids die each and every day from preventable causes?

Women everywhere are demanding change, and will not be denied. The genie is truly out of the bottle.

The existing order is based on violence or the threat of violence. But as violence creates more violence this is obviously counterproductive.

Women and children suffer most from wars and crime, face sexual assault, domestic violence and constant harassment.

Violence in all its forms must become a thing of the past.

We’ll need new politics for this new society and we’re calling it Lowerarchy.

Everybody knows a hierarchy is a pyramid-like structure with power concentrated at the top. This model worked well for kings, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, warlords and tyrants of every kind, and when allied with military might, has allowed these dictators to dominate the vast majority of people for the last several thousand years.

Hierarchies are part of our heritage, but then so is cannibalism: both have no place in a modern egalitarian society.

Government has developed from the absolute rule of kings and is the means by which the few dominate the many – so is part of the problem not a solution.

Lowerarchy is the opposite of hierarchical organisation.

In the Lowerarchy there will be no need for leaders as there will be no nations to lead. Local people will decide for themselves how to live and manage resources.

Then artificial national boundaries can be dissolved, and with no nation states to defend, armies will become redundant so can safely be disbanded.

Likewise, security services can be dismantled as we would all be on the same side.

The alternative to the above?

Catastrophic overpopulation, continued unfettered competition and the commodification of everything, wholesale destruction of the natural world, mass extinctions, more pollution and greenhouse effects on the climate, a further widening of the gap between the rich and poor, loss of civil liberties, wars over resources, famines and the likely destruction of the species.

It’s time we changed the way we live –

Let’s make the Future Female!



After the BBC claimed to be ‘horrified’ at allegations about Jimmy Savile and sex abuse, more women have come forward to add to the controversy.

Yet the media still call this abuser ‘Sir’

According to today’s UK Guardian, two women have come forward with further allegations of sexual abuse by Savile.

The BBC now says it will assist any police investigation.

One alleged victim waived her anonymity to describe how she and a friend were allegedly molested by the Jim’ll Fix It star in the 1970s when they were 14.

Pictures of victim of ‘Sir’ Jimmy Savile with him.

Dee Coles told ITV News that she and her friend were made to perform sex acts on Savile in a camper van when they were on holiday in Jersey.

“He didn’t seem like a stranger. He was on our telly every Saturday night. It was exciting being with someone on TV,” said Coles.

“But I felt immense panic as soon as the door locked. Afterwards, it was shame.”

Unbelievably, Michael Grade told Channel 4 News on Tuesday night that he heard rumours about Savile’s conduct while he was boss of BBC 1, but said any suggestion of a cover-up was ”ludicrous’.

Grade said he had fleetingly heard rumours, claiming: “There were question marks, certainly.” But he added: “I never heard anything that gave me cause to think we should investigate or do anything about it. There were questions, but the entertainment industry is awash on a sea of rumours.”

But as this Savile bloke had access to children and vulnerable people, Grade’s hand-wringing counts for nothing. If he had heard stuff he should have investigated and not stopped his own journalists from doing so properly.


The Crisis & Abusive Systems: Simon Cowell’s X-Factor as Metaphor

Pink at his best… funny, cutting and perceptive.


One of my favourite words is NEOTENY

(I’m indebted to my friend at the excellent and highly informative Dear Kitty. Some blog for setting my chain of thoughts in motion for this article)

The word NEOTENY derives from the German word Neotenie, which in turn comes to us from a combination of two Greek words νέος (neos, meaning ‘young’) and τείνειν (teínein, meaning ‘tending to’)

NEOTENY is defined as: the retention, by adults in a species, of traits previously seen only in juveniles and is a subject studied in the field of developmental biology. It is also called pedomorphosis. 

Many prominent evolutionary theorists, including Stephen Jay Gould and J.B.S. Haldane argue that neoteny has been a key feature in human evolution. See Wikipedia for more details.

These are the more obvious neotenous traits in humans: flattened face, broadened face, large brain, mostly hairless body, hairless face, small nose, reduction of brow ridge, small teeth, small upper jaw (maxilla), small lower jaw (mandible), thinness of skull bones,  limbs proportionately short compared to torso length, longer leg than arm length, larger eyes, and upright stance. 

So what are the effects of these neotenous changes?

In a cross-cultural study, more neotenized female faces were found to be the most attractive to men while less neotenized female faces were the least attractive, regardless of the females’ actual age. Michael R. Cunningham found that the Asian, Hispanic and White female faces that tended to be considered most attractive were those that had “neonate large eyes, greater distance between eyes, and small noses”.

This led Cunningham to conclude that “large eyes” were the most “effective” of the “neonate cues”.

Jones, D. Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness and Facial Neoteny: Cross-Cultural Evidence and Implications. p.723.

Now if these research findings are true, doesn’t this have profound implications for our society, and especially the way we demonise men, and some women, who are sexually drawn to young people and children?

I’m certainly not condoning pedophilia – I suffered sexual abuse as a kid so I know only too well how destructive of young lives this illness can be.

But I think we need to ask some searching questions of ourselves, both as a society and as a species.

Not surprisingly, one of my least favourite words is


PEDOPHILE is defined as an adult who is sexually attracted to young children. The word derives from two Greek words, paidos meaning a boy or child and phileein meaning to love.

The word PEDOPHILE is a term of abuse for many nowadays, yet much of our culture seems to focus on us looking like children. Has anyone else noticed this contradiction?

Fashion models are notorious for being extremely thin, yet what is this but an attempt to appear as pre-pubescent?

And what about Manga?

The great majority of mature women shave their legs and under their arms, pluck their eyebrows and other parts of their faces, use creams and potions to stave off or reverse the aging process, wear make-up to make the skin appear smoother and younger and try in many other ways to appear young.

What is this all about, if not to appear childlike? And if this is the case, shouldn’t we be talking about it?

So what do YOU think?

Are YOU drawn to younger-looking people? Is this natural, or is it created by marketing and advertising?

Do YOU want to appear younger than you really are?

If so, why?

If not, how do YOU feel about this process?


News broke today that creepy former Radio 1 deejay and television presenter Jimmy Savile was interviewed under caution by Surrey police in 2007 about sexual assault allegations dating back to the 1970s.

However, the force dropped its 2007 investigation after the Crown Prosecution Service advised that there was insufficient evidence for a prosecution, the force said on Monday.

The development came to light after up to 10 women told a documentary they were assaulted by the Jim’ll Fix It frontman, who died last year.

The supposed ‘lack of evidence’ can be read to mean Savile was rich and connected to powerful figures, as a former BBC presenter says she actually caught him abusing a young girl.

Broadcaster Paul Gambaccini has added to the claims that Savile sexually abused schoolchildren, claiming the star used his charity work and ‘imperial personality’ within show business to prevent his private life being exposed.

Speaking ahead of a forthcoming ITV documentary that claims Savile abused schoolgirls during his many years of stardom, Gambaccini said his former Radio 1 colleague played tabloid newspapers “like a Stradivarius” in order to keep the abuse secret.

Now the BBC is under pressure to explain why it stopped an investigation by it’s own journalists.

Late last year the BBC decided to drop a Newsnight item investigating allegations of sexual abuse by Savile, who died last October aged 84, leading to accusations the piece was ‘killed’ to spare the Corporation’s reputation. Instead, two tribute programmes celebrating his BBC career were aired.

However, a BBC spokesman said no evidence of any allegations of misconduct had ever been found in its files, so it was “simply not possible for the Corporation to take any further action”.



Nowadays we talk about ‘equality’ and ‘everyone being born equal’, but what exactly do we mean?

We speak of ‘equality of opportunity’ and ‘equality under the law’ but if we are unsure about the concept of ‘equality’ in the first place then these phrases don’t mean a whole lot.

People have said to me, “But humans are different, so how can they be equal?” or “We have to have difference – it’s just natural” and “I’d hate it if everybody was the same…”

These arguments are mistaking ‘Equality’ for ‘similarity’ or ‘sameness’. This kind of mistaken thinking is often a cover for discriminatory practices.

These arguments take the form of;

Women are different to men, so they shouldn’t earn as much as males,


Black folk are different to Europeans so it’s alright to enslave them.

But different doesn’t mean inferior.

Obviously there are differences between people, but there is no intrinsic reason why that should preclude equality.

Equality means everyone has the same right of respect from other individuals and to be treated fairly by social institutions.

Equality means we all have the same right to self-expression, self-determination and the chance to live and grow. Clearly there is a long way to go to achieve this.

What we are saying can be summed up by the phrase, “Equal but different…”

Click here to listen to the brilliant Au Pairs sing about this idea.

Our diversity is our strength, not an opportunity to discriminate against others.

Although the majority of us live in modern societies that claim to be democracies, there are plenty of old ideas still circulating that hark back to the pre-democratic systems that promoted inequality.

These hierarchical systems of social organisation are the biggest obstacles to developing truly modern societies where everyone has an equal stake and input into all aspects of life.

It’s worth briefly examining the ideas that were used to justify inequality in the past.

The Great Chain of Being 

(Latin; scala naturae, literally “ladder or stairway of nature”) was a concept derived from Plato and Aristotle and developed more fully in Neoplatonism. 

The Chain charts a fixed hierarchical structure of all matter and life. 

The chain starts from God and progresses downward to angels, demons, fallen and renegade angels, stars,            the Moon, kings, princes, nobles, men, wild animals, domesticated animals, trees, other plants, precious stones, precious metals, and other minerals.

Each link in the chain could be divided further into its component parts.

In medieval feudal society, the king was at the top, succeeded by the aristocratic lords, next came the merchants and then the peasants below them.

Solidifying the king’s position at the top of humanity’s social order is the doctrine of the Divine right of Kings.

In the family, the father was considered head of the household; below him came his wife; below her, their children.

This mistaken notion that some are more important than others underpins racist and sexist thinking, and that some nations can dominate other countries.

While there are small differences between people of various races, there is more divergence within each race than with other races.

However, there are marked differences between the sexes – this is called Sexual Dimorphism.

Men and women have different bodies statistically, meaning men tend to be taller and heavier with more muscle than women. However individuals may not display these attributes – some women are taller than some men for instance.

Crucially, modern research points to differences in brain organisation and processing systems, and I think this is really important.

Men and women think differently yet this isn’t taken into account in education and other aspects of life.

In my next post I will examine these differences in more detail.



The Max Keiser show, On The Edge, was really good this week and the guest Mike Ruppert from explained clearly the ideas behind my novel DOG Sharon: The Future is Female and the related Womanifesto!

Mike Ruppert is an interesting character with plenty to say about the state of the human world. He’s advocating growing your own food, getting together and building local partnerships, and ignoring the authorities as much as possible. He suggests we let ’em sink in their own incompetence, because their business model has failed.

A paradigm shift in human consciousness is needed to move onwards and upwards. But it’s no good tinkering with the system or looking to leaders.


The inequality of the current economic system has developed from the idea that all the lands of the Earth and all the peoples are just commodities that may be owned by a small elite.

This hierarchical system can be easily visualised as a pyramid with a king, emperor, prime minister, president, priest, pope, patriarch, imam, ayatollah, shah, csar or tyrant on the top and everyone else beneath.

Below the kings come the nobles and below them the middle classes. Of course, the bottom tier is by far the largest as it is made up of the working masses.

Without the masses the elites would be at the bottom, so they need lots of new workers.

Shit comes down, money and power flows up.

It’s a brilliant idea – if you’re near the top.

But, most of us are at the bottom.

In the shit.

Lowerarchy is the opposite of Hierarchy 😉

As more and more of us see through the illusion of control a tipping point of consciousness will be reached which will allow everyone else to make that leap.

That’s the paradigm shift.

The only way is up…


This is unbelievable…

Domestic violence – who suffers?
We all do…


The Roman Catholic Church is an Evil Scam

Most everybody knows priests in the Catholic Church have abused children since time immemorial, and this begs the question, “How has this been allowed to continue for so long?” And also, “What steps have been taken to stop this and how are they protecting children now?”

Well, the answers don’t make comfortable reading. In the same way tobacco companies have shifted their evil wares to less developed countries, the RC church moves its abusing clerics to other parishes, dioceses and nations.

And then it covers up the crimes.

In the USA alone over 6500 kids have been abused and thousands of priests accused. Now imagine how many have been molested globally…

So what did His Holiness the Pope do to help these thousands of children? He wrote the Crimen Sollicitationis.

Click here for BBC documentary exposing this awful organisation.

Created in 1962 by one Cardinal Ratzinger, Crimen Sollicitationis was issued in secret to bishops across the world and outlined procedures to be followed when dealing with allegations of child abuse, homosexuality and bestiality by members of the clergy.

It swore all parties involved to secrecy on pain of excommunication from the Catholic Church.

This document was reissued in 2001 by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and sent to all bishops.

Yet rather than ordering more openness and cooperation with the authorities as demanded by both law enforcers and the victims, Ratzinger reiterated its policies and ensured that the Code of Silence be applied to all cases of child abuse involving a priest.

Cardinal Ratzinger also instructed that all cases should now be referred to his office directly and that he would maintain ‘exclusive competence’ over the handling of allegations.

This is the Catholic Church’s policy to this day and Cardinal Ratzinger is now Pope Benedict XVI.

The policy laid out in this evil document has led to systemic failure and allowed a significant number of priests to abuse again, and further children have been put at risk.

How can people still allow these evil men access to their children? They claim to be ‘Holy’ but in reality act more like Cosa Nostra – the Sicilian Mafia.

The Roman Catholic hierarchy have a Code of Silence, the Mafia have Omerta.

Protect your children by never leaving them alone with a priest, vicar or any other so-called ‘Holy’ man and join the fight to


DOG Sharon – The Movie

This is a short trailer I made about my novel to get the idea across. The soundtrack starts after a bit 🙂










Settler’s Vehicle Rams Child In Bethlehem

How long can these injustices continue?

Occupied Palestine | فلسطين

Thursday September 13, 2012 04:09 by Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies

A Palestinian child was seriously injured after being hit by a settlers’ vehicle as she was walking home from school in Tiqoua’ village, near the West Bank city of Bethlehem.

File – Settler’s Vehicles Hitting Children In Jerusalem – AFP Photo – ILIA YEFIMOVICH

Medical sources reported that the child was identified as Hayat Mohammad Suleiman, 8 years old. She was walking back home from school on the main road that is also used by Israeli settlers living in illegal Israeli settlements in the area.

The sources added that an Israeli ambulance arrived at the scene and moved the child to Hadassah Israeli Hospital in Jerusalem.

Last month, an Israeli settler driving in Jaber Neighborhood, in the southern West Bank of Hebron, hit a Palestinian child then drove off in what appears to be a ramming attack, medical…

View original post 119 more words

Excellent writing on a crucial issue – a must read!

Crates and Ribbons

Last night, I attended a public debate hosted by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, on the rights of anti-abortion protestors to campaign outside abortion clinics. The pro-choice half of the panel consisted of Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS, and Sarah Ditum, a writer and journalist. The opposing half consisted of Andrea Minichiello Williams, founder of Christian Concern, and Max Wind-Cowie, a writer with centre-right political beliefs.

Both Ann and Sarah gave excellent speeches. While fully supporting the notion of freedom of speech as essential to the exchange of ideas, they argued that freedom of speech does not extend to the right to bully, harass, and intimidate. As Ann asserts, “It is not a kind of charter that allows you to say anything you want, to anyone you want, at any time you want, in any place you want.” And you can be sure that when anti-abortion protestors camp outside…

View original post 1,383 more words

Roman Catholic church’s paedophile investigator jailed for possessing thousands of child porn images

This report below is absolutely outrageous – why on earth should this man even have any access to victims of sex abuse? Members of the Catholic Church are regularly convicted of abusing children – so why should they sit on these types of teams? I suppose his job was to keep the Church out of further allegations.

Also the bloke got one year in prison – one year – was the judge a Catholic as well? Or a fellow abuser?

It’s all so corrupt and these monsters have the nerve to campaign against gay marriage…

A Catholic Church child safety coordinator who was in charge of investigating sexual abuse allegations was jailed for 12 months today for internet pedophile offences.

Christopher Jarvis, 49, a married father-of-four, investigated historic claims of child abuse, interviewing the victims when they were adults.

He was responsible for child protection at 120 churches and parish community groups for nine years.

He also, as a member of the Devon and Cornwall Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team, had access to police and social services information about victims of child abuse.

This is truly shocking – young kids are being tortured in the USA


Recently people keep talking about this or that politician, or they say let’s petition parliament or the president. But these are the bastards that are oppressing us – we don’t need governing – that’s what kings, dictators and emperors have done for thousands of years. Governments are just the same – they are a way of managing the people – they’re not for us!

We don’t need hierarchies so I’ve invented the word LOWERARCHY

If we are all the same let’s act like it – don’t give your power to leaders – they’re part of the problem not the solution.


Channel 4 investigative programme Dispatches exposes what Michael “Groper” Gove and his rich chums are doing to kid’s dinners.

As usual with the ConDems, it’s all about saving money to give to the rich.

After Jamie Oliver’s high-profile campaign to improve school meals, millions of pounds were pumped into improving school canteens and tough minimum standards on food and nutrition were set and enforced. Reporter Tazeen Ahmad examines evidence that strategies to improve the food served in all our schools are fast coming undone.

A hundred and ninety local authorities and 108 Academy schools responded to a survey by the programme, which found massive variations in the amount spent on dinners, with some schools opting out of providing a daily hot meal altogether.

Dispatches visits one English primary school where the only hot food available to children is supplied by volunteers working from the local village hall.

Around half of our children now attend Academy Schools, free from local control. Education Secretary Michael Gove exempted them from nutritional standards introduced by the last government, promising that standards would not deteriorate.

However, the Dispatches survey provides worrying new evidence about previously banned products being made available to pupils. The programme speaks to one catering supplier who says that once again many schools are now looking to source cheap, low-quality products.

One parent did his own detective work to discover out of the £2.10 per meal charged by one council, only 59 pence was being spent on ingredients.

As a consequence many children are voting with their feet, either bringing their own packed lunches or going outside school and eating from take-aways.

Dispatches examines the councils trying to fight back and restrict the growth of fast food outlets near schools, and reveals the national chain reluctant to take no for an answer.


A short documentary made by Aljazeera showing the human cost of the housing crisis on America’s poor – mostly black and brown families who were conned into subprime mortgages and renters who come home to find the locks have been changed and they’re homeless.

This powerful little film follows social activists who are trying to fight back and clean up some empty properties to rehouse the millions without a roof over their heads.

As the social activist said, “We could have bailed out the banks or the people – but we bailed out the banks…”

It should be upsetting to see folk lose their homes, but the rich don’t care, and Obama didn’t care enough to actually do anything. 

But this is the future for the UK, Spain, Italy and the rest of Europe and much of the world if we don’t change the system – it’s time to wake up from the nightmare of the American Dream…

The Bollocks Book for Girls and Boys!

More bad news about modern Britain…
Thanks to Dear Kitty. Some blog for her dedication and work x

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called Pupils speak out about UK child poverty.

From daily News Line in Britain:

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Parents going hungry! – to help feed their children

THE parents of Britain’s poorest children are going hungry so that their children have some food on the table.

Both parents and children are missing regular hot meals, unable to afford warm coats and new shoes and suffering enormous emotional strain, according to a new report from the Child Poverty Action Group.

Child Poverty 2012: It Shouldn’t Happen Here‘ reveals the extent to which poverty is blighting young lives.

One in eight of the poorest children in the UK go without at least one hot meal a day and one in ten of the UK’s poorest parents cut back on food to make sure their children have enough to eat, the report reveals.

The survey…

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I’ve been thinking about cars.

Cars are all around us; we go to work, we go to school and we go to university in cars. We desire cars and we hate cars. We watch fast cars and swop cars. We make love and give birth in cars. We go on holiday in cars; we show off in cars and we show our status in cars. We come of age in cars and rage in cars. We drive petrol, diesel and electric cars. We wash and we polish cars. We buy and sell cars. We race in cars and we crash in cars. We live in cars and we can’t live without cars; but we also die in cars.

Have you ever wondered about cars?

Have you noticed drivers of particular cars drive in certain ways? I’ve added pix of a Lexus, a BMW, an Audi, a Mercedes Benz and a Range Rover because lots of drivers of these vehicles seem to think they own the roads and deserve special treatment. Obviously not all the drivers of these marques do this, but plenty do. Is it because they are feel they’ve spent enough to bully other road users, are they seduced by the manufacturers or are they just prats or a combination of all three? Please comment and let me know your feelings.

We’re so used to cars we don’t often ask too many questions. Questions like; why are so many kids killed and injured by cars? Why are cars expensive? Why do cars cost so much to repair? Why do cars go so fast? Why do cars break down? Why are cars the way they are? Could cars be different? Could they be faster? Could they be safer? Why are cars shiny? Will there always be cars?

Cars are the consumer article par excellence, yet when you stop and think about them there’s some very strange stuff going on with these automobiles.

For a start, cars kill pedestrians. But if you think about this for a minute, you’ll realise the shape of cars makes them efficient killing machines. Cars could have soft inflatable fronts which didn’t cause so much damage to humans, but they don’t. And another thing, cars scratch really easily – why’s that? It would be simple for car manufacturers to make them with finishes that didn’t scratch, but then they wouldn’t need repainting so often, if at all. Same for little dents – cars could have surfaces that absorbed impacts – but again, the manufacturers couldn’t sell body parts – and the afterparts market is worth billions.

Deaths by vehicle accidents

UK 2009 – 2,222

USA 2009 – 33,808

Australia 2011 – 1291

Holland 2009 – 640

Brazil 2009 – 37,694

Germany 2009 – 3657

Russia 2009 – 26,567

Spain aren’t telling 🙂

South Africa 2011 – 13,802

Total Global 2007 – 1,230,000

According to the World Health Organization, road traffic accidents caused an estimated 1.23 million deaths worldwide in the year 2007; with the average rate being 20.8 deaths per 100,000 people, 30.8 for males, 11.0 for females. 90% of deaths occur in low and middle income countries, with South-East Asia and Africa having the highest rates.


SHIFTY GRADES OF FEY by Billy Spooner (2012 The Satirical Press) is a hugely readable trilogy based loosely on the life and times of the UK education secretary Michael Gove. In this fast paced story, author Billy Spooner paints a nightmarish picture of a government department gone mad. The protagonist, Mickey Grope, is a demon-worshipping former News International executive that sells his soul to the Devil in the hope of becoming Prime Minister. Clearly the plot owes much to the classic Doctor Faustus, but Spooner kicks this timeless tale smack into the zeitgeist of the postmodern era and will no doubt leave readers clamouring for the next instalment. This is such an important book for so many reasons, and in this reviewer’s opinion, probably the best of its type since Jeffry Archer literally resuscitated the publishing world with his world-changing Cain and Unable.

The plot hinges on the decision of Grope to fiddle with a million school kid’s exam grades. However, unbeknownst to the evil EdSec (surely an allusion to Orwell’s 1984) a coven of white witches has taken over the leadership of the National Union of Teachers (NUTS) and plan to dance sky clad down Whitehall and confront Grope in his dungeon hidden beneath the department offices. Without spoiling the tremendously gripping denouement, suffice it to say the greasy Grope gets his comeuppance when the neo-pagan ladies utilise their magic broomsticks in a manner perhaps best left to the reader’s imagination in a family-oriented publication such as this.

This book will certainly generate massive controversy and conservatives, religious folk and those with a gentle disposition are warned to keep well away, but if you like your fantasy raw and close to the knuckle it’s a rollercoaster read you will return to again and again.

Available now at all good bookshops.

What they’re saying about Shifty Grades of Fey by Billy Spooner

“We can clearly see in Shifty Grades of Fey that there is no bi-univocal correspondence between linear signifying links or archi-writing, depending on the author, and this multireferential, multi-dimensional machinic catalysis. The symmetry of scale, the transversality, the pathic non-discursive character of their expansion: all these dimensions remove us from the logic of the excluded middle and reinforce us in our dismissal of the ontological binarism we criticised previously.”  Postmodernist Psychoanalyst Félix Guattari.

“Pass the Biltong…” Rush Limbaugh

“I laughed until I was wet!” Sarah Palin

“In Shifty Grades of Fey, singularities-events correspond to heterogeneous series which are organized into a system which is neither stable nor unstable, but rather ‘metastable’, endowed with a potential energy wherein the differences between series are distributed… In the second place, singularities possess a process of auto-unification, always mobile and displaced to the extent that a paradoxical element traverses the series and makes them resonate, enveloping the corresponding singular points in a single aleatory point and all the emissions, all dice throws, in a single cast.”  Gilles Deleuze

“Gott in Himmel!” Angela Merkel

“Better than being married to Peter Andre…” Katy Perry

“The meta-narrative of Shifty Grades of Fey is subsumed in the luminal attraction to the association of fluidity with femininity. Whereas men have sex organs that protrude and become rigid, women have openings that leak menstrual blood and vaginal fluids… From this perspective it is no wonder that so-called fiction has not been able to arrive at a successful model for neo-pagan vicissitudes. The lacunae raised in Shifty Grades of Fey cannot be further illuminated because the conceptions of fictions (and of women) have been formulated so as necessarily to leave unarticulated remainders.” Katherine Hayles

“Should make millions!” Books and Bookmen

“I wish I’d written it…” Dan Brown

“This disgusting tome, this depraved story, this worthless piece of junk entitled Shifty Grades of Fey is yet another example of what soon-to-be-ex-President Obama has done to the once proud North American tradition of literary culture and academic learning. When I have the privilege to this lead this great Nation, then this sort of Godless scribbling will be quickly made illegal and those that write, if write is not too strong a word, such garbage will be judged by God Almighty, and surely fade and fall into Eternal Hellfire where they so rightly belong. Amen!” Mitt Romney

“Cor blimey!” Margaret Thatcher

“Perhaps Shifty Grades of Fey should be regarded as a chaotic formation, in which acceleration puts an end to linearity and the turbulence created by acceleration deflects history definitively from its end, just as such turbulence distances effects from their causes.” Richard Dawkins

“Billy’s really gone and done it now..!”  Quentin Jerome Tarantino

“The main theme of Shifty Grades of Fey is sexual identity and the common ground between class and art. Therefore, a number of deappropriations concerning poststructural objectivism may be found.” Stephen Hanfkopf – Dept. of Literature Yale University


It’s an election year in the richest country in the world, but tent cities for the homeless are springing up around the nation. Panorama finds out what it means to be poor in America.

With one and a half million American children now homeless, reporter Hilary Andersson meets the school pupils who go hungry in the richest country on Earth.

From those living in the storm drains under Las Vegas to the tent cities now springing up around the United States, Panorama finds out how the poor are surviving in America and asks whatever happened to Barack Obama’s vision for the country.

Sad news from the world’s only superpower…

I’ve just found that the BBC have blocked this film in the UK – am checking if there is another source – sorry folks – not sure if it’s available elsewhere x