Making the Future Female



Coming to a church near you soon…


This is unbelievable…


The Roman Catholic Church is an Evil Scam

Most everybody knows priests in the Catholic Church have abused children since time immemorial, and this begs the question, “How has this been allowed to continue for so long?” And also, “What steps have been taken to stop this and how are they protecting children now?”

Well, the answers don’t make comfortable reading. In the same way tobacco companies have shifted their evil wares to less developed countries, the RC church moves its abusing clerics to other parishes, dioceses and nations.

And then it covers up the crimes.

In the USA alone over 6500 kids have been abused and thousands of priests accused. Now imagine how many have been molested globally…

So what did His Holiness the Pope do to help these thousands of children? He wrote the Crimen Sollicitationis.

Click here for BBC documentary exposing this awful organisation.

Created in 1962 by one Cardinal Ratzinger, Crimen Sollicitationis was issued in secret to bishops across the world and outlined procedures to be followed when dealing with allegations of child abuse, homosexuality and bestiality by members of the clergy.

It swore all parties involved to secrecy on pain of excommunication from the Catholic Church.

This document was reissued in 2001 by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and sent to all bishops.

Yet rather than ordering more openness and cooperation with the authorities as demanded by both law enforcers and the victims, Ratzinger reiterated its policies and ensured that the Code of Silence be applied to all cases of child abuse involving a priest.

Cardinal Ratzinger also instructed that all cases should now be referred to his office directly and that he would maintain ‘exclusive competence’ over the handling of allegations.

This is the Catholic Church’s policy to this day and Cardinal Ratzinger is now Pope Benedict XVI.

The policy laid out in this evil document has led to systemic failure and allowed a significant number of priests to abuse again, and further children have been put at risk.

How can people still allow these evil men access to their children? They claim to be ‘Holy’ but in reality act more like Cosa Nostra – the Sicilian Mafia.

The Roman Catholic hierarchy have a Code of Silence, the Mafia have Omerta.

Protect your children by never leaving them alone with a priest, vicar or any other so-called ‘Holy’ man and join the fight to



If any good is to come out of the orchestrated protests taking place across much of the Islamic world, it is surely to show the complete absence by the so-called faithful of any confidence in their god. The same goes for the crazy evangelicals and Roman Catholics railing against women’s empowerment and harmless gay people. If they had even the slightest belief that their deity was real they would leave these issues to be sorted out supernaturally and get on with their own lives. So we can be sure that the protests prove there is no god. The concept of the father God is dead – the future is female!

Next we can look and listen and see who is behind all this. On the one hand we have the men in the US who made the film “Innocence of Muslims”.

They may belong to a religion – Coptic Christianity and Zionist Judaism have been mentioned, although there is no proof of this – or it may be an intelligence agency project designed as part of a centuries-old divide and conquer strategy.

Britain and the US have played the religious fundamentalist card many times to destroy the legitimate aspirations of self-determination by many nations across the world.

Exactly the same way that they’ve used fake fears of “communism” to justify invasions, installing despots and unleashing death squads.

Both the US and UK have deliberately created the situations in Iraq and Egypt where theocratic regimes dominate rather than let the people find modern democratic solutions to their society’s problems. The UK has schemed with the Muslim Brotherhood for decades to counter nationalist movements in Egypt and paid Shia ayatollahs to wreak havoc in Iraq in order to keep cheap oil flowing under the rule of the evil Shah.

Similarly, the US traded with the ayatollahs in post-revolutionary Iraq in order to buy weapons and pay for their illegal war against the democratically elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Oliver North wasn’t acting alone folks – it was a deliberate US policy.

And what about Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia has spent more money on promoting their monstrous Wahhabist version of Islam than any PR project, ever.

Think about that for a minute – more money than any other PR project…

Everybody I’ve asked to guess which is the biggest PR campaign, has come up with reasonable answers like ‘Coca-cola’, ‘Soap powder’ or ‘Volkswagen’ but it’s those lovable old sheiks – the House of Saud. Britain and more recently the US have created and buttressed this evil state with one reason in mind…


Successive US and UK governments have known full well, all along, what the Saudis were doing and they just let it happen.

Remember what nationality most of the 9/11 hijackers were? Which nationalities gave most money to Osama Bin Laden to fund al Qaeda? Yep – Saudis. Yet both US and UK bigwigs bend over backwards to congratulate the Saudis for being ‘moderate’ and a bulwark against ‘extremism’.

Next in line for funding and supporting extremism comes Pakistan, another state created and supported by the West. Pakistan’s ISI created and still supports the Taliban and Haqqani network yet our government hails it as a partner in the fight against terrorism.

Even a cursory reading of the histories of South America and the Middle East will confirm the above, but how many people actually investigate things for themselves?

While folk are caught in the maze of religion they have no time to learn their own history and how the elites have fooled them so many times and for so long. They debate endlessly about unanswerable questions while the men in control continue to build their empires.

The Greeks were already discussing mathematics, physics, astronomy, geometry, philosophy, drama, criticism and poetry, among other things, over 2,500 years ago and had invented the gymnasium, democracy and some brilliant architecture.

I don’t mean to argue they created all this from scratch as they obviously built on earlier work by the Babylonians, Egyptians and others. Also the Indus and Chinese cultures were also investigating these and other areas of knowledge.

But Islam – in its present Saudi-sponsored form, earlier versions were much more enlightened – and modern Christianity are taking us down an intellectual one way street, a cul-de-sac, a road to nowhere.

That is why both religions oppose the empowerment of women – they know that as women become more educated and powerful they will take our species towards enlightenment and away from warfare and domination.

So they try to stop women having control over their own bodies and thus control of reproduction, because they know that whoever controls reproduction, controls the future.

The religious and political leaders are only too aware they need new workers, congregations and soldiers, so attempt to keep women ignorant and powerless – but they’re fighting a losing battle.

That is why I wrote my satirical novel, DOG Sharon: The Future is Female (DOG is an acronym for Daughter Of God).

The book is an attack on male-defined religions and the use of violence as a political system.

Supporters of the present system claim there is no alternative but they know this isn’t true. Evidence for this can be seen in how they kill and imprison activists the world over. They know the general trend of history is toward self-expression and self-determination so they murder, repress and lie to hold back the tide.

But as the clever King Canute showed his ignorant followers hundreds of years ago, time and tides halt for no man



The recent reactions to the film about Mohammed have to be taken with a pinch of salt. Are we really supposed to believe that all these protesters saw the clip? The fact that most of the demos happened after Friday prayers leads me to think it was an orchestrated campaign by religious leaders. Why should anyone be bullied into silence by these unrepresentative preachers? I’m certainly not scared by this show of force – if there was anything to Islam they wouldn’t be scared of a silly movie.

Remember that the Saudi Arabian monarchy is bankrolling the fundamentalist movement with petrodollars and support of the UK and US. They’re behind the Islamic terrorism and the oppression of women. There’s no democracy, gender equality or tolerance of gay people in Saudi Arabia – they rule by absolute power through their many offspring.

Guess how many royal princes there are in Saudi Arabia?

7000 – That’s a fucking lot of princes. We’ve only got a few in England and that’s far too many.

I’ve seen Facebook posts by Christians supporting Muslims in their anger – WTF is that all about? I’ll tell you – they’re all in the bullshit business together. Nobody with half a brain believes any of this religious nonsense.

Angels, the Holy Spirit, books dictated by Archangel Gabriel, gold plates and the lost tribe of Israel, scientology, burning bushes, the Garden of Eden and a talking snake, Lot’s wife, Adam’s rib, communion, Papal infallibility – it’s all shit. 

Let’s stand up to these bullies!


This is not satire 😉

A senior Iranian official, Javad Mohammadi,  says US President Barack Obama could face legal action in connection with the production of an anti-Islam movie by an American Jew.

“A complaint could be filed with US courts against Obama for his violation of articles 18 and 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) calling for respect of faiths,” the deputy head of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution (SCCR), said on Sunday. 

“Article 18 and 27 of the ICCPR, adopted by the United Nation, stipulate that the religion and the rights of the minorities should be respected,” 

The US government is a signatory to this covenant and has to respect it. Therefore, an individual or an NGO (non-governmental organization) can file a lawsuit against the president of the country for breach of the covenant,” he added. 

Mohammadi heaped praise on the Muslims for their massive protests against the movie, noting “Protest against insults to religious sanctities should not be limited to time, place and customary reactions and we should undertake legal measures.” 

“The world’s elite know pretty well that Islam is a divine religion and Muslims have always respected divine religions and messengers and would never remain silent vis-à-vis any desecration,” said Mohammadi.

PS I’ve just read the ICCPR and it doesn’t say that at all – what a prat!

Roman Catholic church’s paedophile investigator jailed for possessing thousands of child porn images

This report below is absolutely outrageous – why on earth should this man even have any access to victims of sex abuse? Members of the Catholic Church are regularly convicted of abusing children – so why should they sit on these types of teams? I suppose his job was to keep the Church out of further allegations.

Also the bloke got one year in prison – one year – was the judge a Catholic as well? Or a fellow abuser?

It’s all so corrupt and these monsters have the nerve to campaign against gay marriage…

A Catholic Church child safety coordinator who was in charge of investigating sexual abuse allegations was jailed for 12 months today for internet pedophile offences.

Christopher Jarvis, 49, a married father-of-four, investigated historic claims of child abuse, interviewing the victims when they were adults.

He was responsible for child protection at 120 churches and parish community groups for nine years.

He also, as a member of the Devon and Cornwall Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team, had access to police and social services information about victims of child abuse.

Pastors – they’re only in it for the money, drugs, property, sex and power…

How to buy DOG Sharon: The Future is Female

DOG Sharon: The Future is Female!

Available as a paperback and ebook at

A thrilling story of love, courage and humour with a crucial
message of hope and change for the entire planet.

Available as a paperback and ebook at

abortionbirthDOG Sharon: The Future is Femalefemininefeminismfeministreligious satirereproductionsatirestopstop giving birthsymbolVenuswomen

The Bollocks Book for Girls and Boys!


Hands up who can remember their fathers working Saturday mornings? I’m 54 and can just recall those days. Well folks – that’s what your political masters have in store for all you naughty lazy people – and you can forget the Minimum Wage as well.

So to all those who parrot the government’s lies about ‘Austerity’ and ‘We’re all in this together’ bollocks – do you now see that you were used? Used as working people have always been used – in wars, coalmines, factories, offices and brothels.

I can understand the bosses and billionaires saying it – understand but not condone – because they benefit from your stupidity, from your ignorance.

But in an age where we can all find out about history, science, politics and technology there’s no excuse for being ignorant.

So who wants to bring more children into a world like this? Perhaps you think it will be different for your kids – tell me how. Perhaps you think children will somehow make you ‘whole’ –  they don’t. Did you make your parents whole? Of course not.

Every extra person is an additional load on the planet’s resources. 

But wait, I hear folk thinking – there’s plenty of space for more people – if we all lived closer together, or, or…

And don’t bother looking to religions for an answer because they’re part of the problem –  a massive part – following these fools will make things worse. For you, me and all the kids who are hungry, thirsty and have no hope of a decent life.

So take a look at yourself and ask – am I part of the solution or part of the problem? There’s no time to sit on the fence – we’ve reached the tipping point and there’s no going back.

Do something about it – before it’s too late.

GREECE’S eurozone creditors are demanding that the government in Athens introduce a six-day working week as part of the stiff terms for the country’s second bailout.

The demand is contained in a leaked letter from the “troika” of the country’s lenders, the European commission, European Central Bank, and International Monetary Fund. In the letter, the officials policing Greece’s compliance with the austerity package imposed in return for the bailout insist on radical labour market reforms, from minimum wages to overtime limits to flexible working hours, that are likely to worsen the standoff between the government and organised labour in Greece.

Again, this is not satire…


Click here to watch a brilliant short film by Peter Joseph, creator of the Zeitgeist movies.

In US election year, Peter sardonically examines American democracy and shows how the capitalist system controls our thoughts and actions so there are no real choices. He shows how puppet politicians are bankrolled by corporations and asks why we need these leaders at all. This is the same point I make in Womanifesto and we agree that modern leaders play the same role as kings, emperors and dictators did formerly.

For democracy to work, all citizens must be educated to understand the issues, yet critical thinking and logic are ignored and learning by rote is taught to millions. Joseph argues the US two party political system is a con – there is no real choice and all good change derives from pressure from below – not the Republican and Democratic parties.

He also shows how the big parties came together to set up and control the Presidential debates so killing intelligent discussion and stopping smaller parties getting airtime. This is exactly the same as in the UK and most other so-called democracies. Noam Chomsky has been saying this for years.

Even now as more and more species become extinct, the climate changes to who knows what and humanity teeters on the brink of disaster, most folk are more interested in inane celebrities, fashion and consumerism.

Peter also shows how religion creates an unthinking populace who do as they are told rather than questioning everything.

So if you care about the future, the ecosystem and your own minds – watch and engage with this film – what could be more important?


Self-styled ‘Messiah’ and ‘Reverend’ Sun Myung Moon, founder of the Unification Church – whose followers became known as “Moonies” – died in South Korea on Sunday, aged 92. It is not reported whether he went straight to Heaven without passing GO.

Moon’s so-called Unification Church became a worldwide movement and claimed to have around 3 million members, including 100,000 in the United States.

My guess is that Moon was an intelligence asset of western intelligence agencies. 

Moon founded the church in 1954 amid the ruins of South Korea and promoted a mixture of Christianity and his own conservative, family-oriented teachings. He preached new interpretations of lessons from the Bible, and fused elements of Christianity and Confucianism – outlining his principles in his book, Explanation of the Divine Principle, published in 1957.

Sun Myung Moon built a business empire that included the Washington Times newspaper, the New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan, Bridgeport University in Connecticut, a hotel and a car plant in North Korea. It also acquired a ski resort, a professional soccer team and other businesses in South Korea, and a seafood firm that supplies sushi to Japanese restaurants across the United States.

What is even more dodgy is that Moon had a close relationship with all the North Korean leaders and received expensive luxury presents on every birthday while North Koreans died in droves from starvation.

I had a chance to do some work for the UN at Geneva but pulled out when I found it would have been for the Unification Church – might as well be employed by the Mafia!

During the 70s and 80s there was much controversy about this so-called religious movement – similar issues that have dogged the nutty Scientologists – brainwashing and general cultish behaviour – breaking families apart and using people for its own ends. Once the Moonies had enough money they could bribe important opinion-formers and became mainstream.

As the UK Guardian notes, Moon developed good relationships with dodgy Republican leaders, including Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George Bush Senior. Not a bad result for someone found guilty of tax evasion in the US, where he lived for 30 years, and served 13 months of an 18 month sentence.

The Moonies were also famous for performing mass marriages – strange to us in the West, but more understandable to folk with scant resources to pay for ceremonies.

Sun Myung Moon is survived by his econd wife and 10 kids who – surprise, surprise – run the international business now. Without a trace of irony or crafty smile, his heir and youngest son told AP agency in a February 2010 interview that they do not see themselves as his successors. “Our role is not inheriting that messianic role,” he said. “Our role is more of the apostles, where we share … where we become the bridge … to understanding what kind of lives our two parents have lived.”

Religion eh?


A little-known power enjoyed by self-styled queen Elizabeth Windsor (made up name and leader of Anglican Church – an organisation founded ironically on the murder of queens!) and her prat of a son Prince of Wales to alter new laws is due to be exposed after the government lost a legal battle to keep details of its application private.

The information commissioner has ruled that the Cabinet Office must publish an internal Whitehall guide to the way the senior royals are consulted before legislation is introduced to ensure it does not harm their private interests.

The deputy information commissioner, Graham Smith, ruled that the Cabinet Office has until 25 September to release the confidential internal manual. It details how the consent of “The Crown and The Duchy of Cornwall” is obtained before bills are passed into law and what criteria ministers apply before asking the royals to amend draft laws. If it fails to do so it could face high court action.

In the past two parliamentary sessions Charles has been asked to consent to at least 12 draft bills on everything from wreck removals to co-operative societies. Between 2007 and 2009 he was consulted on bills relating to coroners, economic development and construction, marine and coastal access, housing and regeneration, energy and planning.

In Charles’s case, the little-known power stems from his role as the head of the £700m Duchy of Cornwall estate, which provides his £17m-a-year private income.

Nobody ever elected these goons.

There was never a time when the English people were asked if they wanted these spongers. 

They take the piss on a grander scale than any other common criminals.

Isn’t time to clamp down on these unwanted parasites?

How to buy DOG Sharon: The Future is Female

DOG Sharon: The Future is Female!

Available as a paperback and ebook at

A thrilling story of love, courage and humour with a crucial
message of hope and change for the entire planet.

Available as a paperback and ebook at

abortionbirthDOG Sharon: The Future is Femalefemininefeminismfeministreligious satirereproductionsatirestopstop giving birthsymbolVenuswomen


Last year, an unprecedented number of laws have been passed across the US, all aimed at restricting abortion or reproductive rights.

But the fight goes far beyond the medical procedure, with Republican politicians even attacking the Obama administration for making contraception more readily available.

The US has seen more anti-abortion violence than any other country in the world. Since 1993, at least eight abortion providers, including four doctors have been killed. And there have been over 200 arsons and bombings against reproductive healthcare clinics since 1977.

Watch an ALJAZEERA film on this issue here

Important info from Dear Kitty showing that when it comes to Creationist nonsense the Fundamentalist Christians don’t have all the bullshit – Islam, Hinduism and Judaism want a piece of the action as well…

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video from the USA says about itself:

Two Creationists take home schooled kids on a tour of a natural history museum filling their minds with Young Earth Creationist Bullshit.

25 June 2011.

On a world scale, the most important opposition to evolution biological science comes from Christian creationists; who are influential especially in the economically and militarily most powerful country of the world, the USA. They claim to draw the only correct conclusions from the comparatively long and detailed creation narrative in the Bible book Genesis.

Less importantly, there is opposition to evolution science from within other religions. In Hinduism, eg, the Hare Krishna organization attacks the “materialistic” theories of Charles Darwin and later biologists. This is not that surprising, as the Hare Krishna organization is rather extreme within Hinduism. The organization developed at first not in India, but in the USA, with influences from US American fundamentalist…

View original post 457 more words

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Excellent post from a top blogger

The Pink Agendist

Narcissistic Personality Disorder: DSM-IV-TR 301.81

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behaviour), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

  • Has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)
  • Is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love
  • Believes that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)
  • Requires excessive admiration
  • Has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations
  • Is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends
  • Lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and…

View original post 517 more words



We just watched a nice little film entitled: “Why I am no longer a Creationist” it’s the second film in the series. the first was: “Why I am no longer a Christian”

This is what the author has to say: I’m no longer a creationist or a Christian… these videos are some of the reasons why. I don’t really have anyone to talk to about this stuff because my family and friends are all fundamental Christians like I was… so I thought this may be a good way to start discussions and be able to finally get it all out there.

There are many well-meaning creationists who have just been misinformed. It takes a good deal of time to come to a thorough understanding of a major scientific theory; and many just don’t have the luxury of investing enough. They often become the unwitting victims of a few charlatans, and of their own confirmation bias.

It is the evangelical creationist leaders who are the main targets of my criticism. These men and women either should know better; or they are deliberately lying.

In a rare moment of sense, the Department for Education has revised its model funding agreement, allowing the education secretary to withdraw cash from schools that fail to meet strict criteria relating to what they teach.

Under the new agreement, funding will be withdrawn for any free school that teaches what it claims are “evidence-based views or theories” that run “contrary to established scientific and/or historical evidence and explanations”.

The British Humanist Association (BHA), which has led a campaign against creationism – the movement that denies Darwinian evolution and claims that the Earth and all its life was created by God – described the move as “highly significant” and predicted that it would have implications for other  British Humanist Association looking to run schools.


Don’t you just love it when Christians get on their high horse and proclaim,

“But I’m not that kind of Christian…”

Those of us who don’t believe your story don’t give a feather or a fig about your doctrinal ravings. We’re not interested in the silly details that distinguish you from the next sect or cult. Those things only matter to you. 

And, if you believe that Jesus is the Son of God and holds the Key to Everlasting Life, then why not get his name right for once?

Jesus is the Roman version – remember the folks you claim nailed him up? The actual Jewish name is Yeheshua or something – imagine that – Christians claim life, the universe and everything is about this one bloke then get his name wrong.



Both the BBC and Guardian today feature a research project which followed a group of over 1,000 people from birth to the age of 38, and has produced the first convincing evidence, claim the researchers, that cannabis has a different and more damaging effect on young brains than on those of adults.

Around 5% of the group used cannabis at least once a week in adolescence or were considered dependent on it. Between the age of 13 and 38, when all members of the group were given a range of psychological tests, the IQ of those who had been habitual cannabis users in their youth had dropped by eight points on average.

Giving up cannabis made little difference – what mattered was the age at which young people began to use it. Those who started after the age of 18 did not have the same IQ decline.

“This work took an amazing scientific effort,” said Professor Terrie Moffitt of King’s College London’s Institute of Psychiatry, one of the authors.

“We followed almost 1,000 participants, we tested their mental abilities as kids before they ever tried cannabis, and we tested them again 25 years later after some participants became chronic users.

“Participants were frank about their substance abuse habits because they trust our confidentiality guarantee, and 96% of the original participants stuck with the study from 1972 to today.

“It’s such a special study that I’m fairly confident that cannabis is safe for over-18 brains, but risky for under-18 brains.”

While I wouldn’t want to argue with this research without knowing more about it, there are a couple of points worth remembering, or not if you’re really stoned 🙂

Nowhere in either article does it mention that IQ is a disputed test of intelligence or that intelligence itself is a poorly understood concept. IQ has been shown to favour certain cultures and can be changed by family culture, particular education and nutrition. Furthermore there are many types of intelligence and those with supposed high IQ scores are often the ones who quite happily abuse their lower scoring sisters and brothers. IQ says nothing about social awareness.

Also, if cannabis use harms memory, how can researchers be sure the correspondents remembered what they took?

IQ is the most researched approach to intelligence and by far the most widely used in practical setting. However, although IQ attempts to measure some notion of intelligence, it may fail to act as an accurate measure of “intelligence” in its broadest sense. IQ tests only examine particular areas embodied by the broadest notion of “intelligence”, failing to account for certain areas which are also associated with “intelligence” such ascreativity or emotional intelligence.

The researchers claim that this might explain “underachievers” but this is a completely undefined quality. Who decides what worthwhile achievements are? Would The Beatles be considered to be “underachievers”?

Our very civilization is on the brink of destruction – species are becoming extinct more rapidly than ever before, the climate is changing for the worse, there’s the biggest build-up of arms ever and the gaps between rich and poor are wider than ever before, billions are hungry and the oceans are dying. Wouldn’t it be better to find out what causes this mindset , and as a matter of urgency

So far nobody claims this crazy behaviour is down to Rastafarians, hippies and ravers, yet those in control of society have blamed cannabis for all kinds of ills before and these have been shown to be little more than political propaganda.

Reefer madness anyone?

The study claims that those under 18 are particularly at risk and this needs further research. But I’d argue religion is at least as damaging to young minds as illicit drugs yet these dangerous myths are pushed into children’s heads without any research whatsoever.

Look at John Lennon’s killer, Mark Chapman.

He was raised on a military base (Fort Worth) his dad was abusive to his mum and unloving to his son, Chapman was involved in many Christian religious groups and he took illicit drugs as a teenager. All of these things probably lead to his problems in later life, yet drugs and violence have been researched in many studies but religion and the military mindset are supposed to be okay.

Chapman said he shot Lennon 5 times because he was angry Lennon had said the Beatles were “bigger than Jesus”

This is why I argue to keep religion out of schools and begin to disband the military and move away from aggressive nationalism.

We need to protect our kids from many dangerous things – so let’s not get blinded by the smokescreen of the War on Drugs too much – it’s just one of many things we need to sort out.

Some Stats on the War on US Drugs

Religions in Scotland Attack Loving Relationships

In the face of intense pressure from not only the Catholic church but also Muslim organisations and evangelical and presbyterian churches, the Scottish government has continued with its plan to legalise marriage for same sex couples. A draft bill is to be published later this year.

Opinion polls have shown that about two-thirds of Scots are in favour of the changes.

Below – The Catholic Church puts its foot down…


10 Things I Love about Evangelical Christians