Making the Future Female

DOG Sharon: The Future is Female


The Womanifesto is the philosophy underpinning the novel

DOG Sharon: The Future is Female 

The Womanifesto calls for a positive re-evaluation and adoption of what have traditionally been referred to as Female Values and Perspectives with a corresponding paradigm shift in human affairs.

By this we mean an emphasis on cooperation and community rather than competition and individualism, with society organised to protect its weakest members, namely children and the elderly.

In the present global economic system we are told there is no alternative to production being governed by the Market.

However there can be no production without people and people are created by reproduction.

Therefore whoever controls reproduction controls production and future human society.

This explains why religions and other bastions of male power have worked so hard to regulate and deny female sexuality.

These sad people kill to oppose abortion, fight against birth control and do anything to prevent children getting proper sex education.

The rulers need our children for their wars and as workers, but they don’t want to acknowledge the power of reproduction.

They can’t let the women speak out.

So they denigrate the Feminine and attack women because they’re scared.

When women manage reproduction, the risk posed by overpopulation – probably the biggest challenge facing humanity – will quickly diminish and our species will no longer threaten all other life on the planet.

If women see a future where their children will be working for slave wages or die in wars or starve or die of thirst – if women see this, they will refuse to bring more children into the world.

Why should women give birth to children in a society that abuses most of the people most of the time, a society that lets tens of thousands of kids die each and every day from preventable causes?

Women everywhere are demanding change, and will not be denied. The genie is truly out of the bottle.

The existing order is based on violence or the threat of violence. But as violence creates more violence this is obviously counterproductive.

Women and children suffer most from wars and crime, face sexual assault, domestic violence and constant harassment.

Violence in all its forms must become a thing of the past.

We’ll need new politics for this new society and we’re calling it Lowerarchy.

Everybody knows a hierarchy is a pyramid-like structure with power concentrated at the top. This model worked well for kings, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, warlords and tyrants of every kind, and when allied with military might, has allowed these dictators to dominate the vast majority of people for the last several thousand years.

Hierarchies are part of our heritage, but then so is cannibalism: both have no place in a modern egalitarian society.

Government has developed from the absolute rule of kings and is the means by which the few dominate the many – so is part of the problem not a solution.

Lowerarchy is the opposite of hierarchical organisation.

In the Lowerarchy there will be no need for leaders as there will be no nations to lead. Local people will decide for themselves how to live and manage resources.

Then artificial national boundaries can be dissolved, and with no nation states to defend, armies will become redundant so can safely be disbanded.

Likewise, security services can be dismantled as we would all be on the same side.

The alternative to the above?

Catastrophic overpopulation, continued unfettered competition and the commodification of everything, wholesale destruction of the natural world, mass extinctions, more pollution and greenhouse effects on the climate, a further widening of the gap between the rich and poor, loss of civil liberties, wars over resources, famines and the likely destruction of the species.

It’s time we changed the way we live –

Let’s make the Future Female!


Demo for Spanish women’s reproductive rights

This was missed by most media

The Free

With all the excitement of the attacks on  Occupy Congress and the monster response demos lets not forget Saturday was also the Global Action Day for free abortion, safe and free..

Some cities, such as Madrid and Barcelona, ​​turned violet to demand the decriminalization of abortion.
Feminist platforms throughout Spain have held today, for the first time in the country, the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. The festival, which began in Latin America in the 90s, gained special importance on this side of the pond due to the announcement of the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, of the anti abortion legislation.

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The reactionary males are scared.

They’re clever enough to see the curve of history (herstory) points to female empowerment but stupid enough to think they can stop this dynamic.

I’m arguing that it’s crucial for women to manage human society or there will be no human society in the very near future.

And the same goes for the climate, oceans, natural world etc etc

Towards an advanced and mature p2p world civilisation

A map for the future 🙂

Social Network Unionism

Our current civilization is based on the dominancy of capitalist mode of production relations and other social relations that are in large portion outcomes of or strongly determined by the principal relationships of this mode, including ‘foreign’ relations between alienated human societies.

The rising people’s grassroots movement openly and clearly challenges and wants to change these relationships at a global scale.

This conscious ‘demand’ of the peoples is being unsuccessfully undermined by the mainstream media.

The existence of astonishing number of alternative visions for the aftermath of the approaching collapse is the proof of this: the gift economy, solidarity economy, participatory economy, resource based economy, commons based economy, and many more.

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Once Dora had parked the Land Rover, Sharon led the women through Birmingham Shopping Centre until they were standing outside NEXT.

A muzak version of Kraftwerk’s Showroom Dummies played quietly from hidden speakers.

‘These dummies aren’t representative of ordinary women,’ said Sharon smiling. She closed her eyes and concentrated. Within seconds the mannequins began to change shape. The nearest’s arms shortened until it resembled Nina’s Thalidomide-deformed outline. Others became like human chameleons, changing colour rapidly to create a huge range of shades in every hue imaginable, all done in crazy stripes, spots, splashes and splotches.

Next Sharon made their doll’s faces transform; some had big noses, chins grew and ears dangled. Spots and pimples appeared; moustaches and beards sprouted. Long legs shortened and became hairier and one model now sported an artificial leg.

‘That’s for all the amputees,’ Sharon said without opening her eyes.

Now fingers thickened and feet grew wider. It was like a mash-up between The Clothes Show and the Incredible Hulk. Thin fashion garments stretched and split while several dozen styles of plastic buttons pinged like semi-automatic fire as the bodies bulked-out beneath. Nina and Dora watched wigs change colour, length and style, while another dummy lost her hair completely.

‘That’s for women receiving radio- and chemotherapy,’ shouted Flora.

On the other side of the parade was a fashion boutique containing loads of male and female dummies kitted out in the latest styles. Sharon glanced at the window and they began to melt. Within seconds the display looked like a 3D Salvador Dali painting. Dora couldn’t resist it. ‘Four cheers for the surrealists!’

Another doll transformed until it resembled the strap-on woman’s body on the cover of The Female Eunuch. ‘Homage to Professor Greer!’ shouted Aisha.

A fibreglass model of a bull stood on the pavement, promoting the Bull Ring Shopping Centre. As they passed it became plastic; the horns receded and udders grew beneath. Sharon shrugged her shoulders. ‘For our transgender friends.’

Sharon strolled to the main window of Marks and Spencer. She closed her eyes and puffed out her cheeks until her face was bright red, causing the shop dummies to swell sympathetically. Dora began a NASA-style countdown in reverse. ‘Size eight, ten, twelve, fourteen – mission control, do you have my size in one of those pretty little silver capsules? Sixteen, eighteen, twenty – we’re losing you honey, sorry, I mean Houston…’

Sharon opened her eyes and tossed a question to the group. ‘Who said “Fat is a feminist issue”?’

Kate was first. ‘Susie Orbach?’

‘Right first time,’ answered Sharon. ‘Give that woman a low-fat coconut!’

As they walked down the passageway that led to Debenhams, Sharon glanced at the Miss Selfridge sign to her left. Miraculously, it now read Ms Selfridge.

‘Cool!’ said Lesley.

At the next shop, Kate laughed out loud. When Sharon asked her why she explained, ‘You know me, always playing with words and letters in my mind. It just struck me as funny that tampon is an anagram of Topman.’

‘And they’re both stuck up!’ quipped Pross.


If men

stayed at home


did the domestic work










Is it Bye-Bye Blokes?

Farewell Fellahs?

Goodnight Guys?


DOG Sharon: The Future is Female




Different But Equal – SEX AND THE BRAIN

I recently reblogged an article from my friend MADD suspicions about male and female brain types.

Click here to have a go at the fun quiz he found.

Also I’ve been reading, laughing and learning psychology from the witty and suave but spiky PinkAgendistStop by if you enjoy perceptive pieces.

I must also mention Dear Kitty.Some blog, Nonviolentconflict and thefreeorg for their intelligent and radical posts – I’ve learned so much in a short time from all three.

And of course other fine blogs I haven’t time to mention now, but will soon.

We all affect each other.

Their posts led me to think about thinking – always fun but a slightly weird experience  as well.

In my more political posts I’m calling for a paradigm shift in human affairs to move from a male-managed world to a female- and child-friendly future.

With cooperation rather than competition as the guiding principle.

No violence. Local organisation of life. Less people.

Women managing human society and reproduction.

No nation states and therefore no armies, weapons of mass destruction and no National Security.

But for this argument to make sense there must be actual differences between the sexes – not just differences we learn in life – but innate differences.

So yesterday I argued that we are all Equal But Different.

The title of this blog is Different But Equal

Let’s look at some differences now and start with brains.

How often have you heard men say, “I just can’t understand women…” or “My wife doesn’t understand me…”

Do women find men equally difficult to understand, or do they, on average, have more empathy and so can work men out?

Is there such a thing as female thinking or awareness? Can there be a ‘male’ type of thinking?

Are men and women more different or more the same?

And what about the brains of homosexual folk?

All interesting questions.

That’s why the relationship between sex differences in the brain and human behaviour is so controversial in psychology and society generally.

If there are real differences between the sexes then the implications are immense.

Recent studies show there are measurable differences in female and male brains.

For instance, there is a difference between sexes in the transcription of a gene pair involved in brain development unique to Homo sapiens.

Consequently female and male brains show differences in internal structure.

One of the main areas studied is the proportion of white matter relative to gray matter.

Gray matter is made up of neuronal cell bodies. The gray matter includes regions of the brain involved in muscle control, sensory perception such as seeing and hearing, memory, emotions, and speech.

White matter is the tissue through which messages pass between different areas of gray matter within the nervous system.

So the gray matter can be thought of as the processing areas, while the white matter connects.

Blood flow is also different between women and men, with females able to move blood more quickly to the areas needed and not losing functions in old age as much as males.

There are also differences in the structure and size of certain areas in male and female brains.

Studies found men on average to have larger parietal lobes, responsible for sensory input including spatial sense and navigation.

Women usually have larger Wernicke’s and Broca’s areas, regions that are responsible for language processing.

Postmortem and imaging studies over the past two decades have revealed structural differences in both global structures and sexually-related brain structures between heterosexual and homosexual subjects.

Researcher Simon LeVay showed that parts of hypothalamus related to sexual orientation not gender.

The hypothalamus is an area known to be  involved in sex differences in reproductive behaviour, mediating responses in menstrual cycles in women and the back of the hypothalamus regulates male-typical sexual behaviour.

These results were obtained from postmortem analysis of hypothalamic nuclei of known homosexual subjects compared to heterosexual patients.

The size of the brain’s hemispheres is a sexually dimorphic trait in which men tend to show asymmetry in the volumes of their hemispheres while women show more symmetry.

A recent  study found homosexual men showed hemispheric volumes to be symmetric similar to heterosexual women and homosexual women showed asymmetry in hemispheric volumes as heterosexual men do.

However differences in brain physiology between the sexes and sexual preferences do not lead to differences in intellect.

This points to females and males taking different but equally successful routes to achieve the same outcomes.

Evidence for this was found in a 2004 study finding men and women achieve similar IQ results by utilising different brain regions.

So this suggests there is no singular underlying neuro-anatomical structure for general intelligence.

In simple language, different types of brains work equally well.

So, different but equal.

Equal but different.



Nowadays we talk about ‘equality’ and ‘everyone being born equal’, but what exactly do we mean?

We speak of ‘equality of opportunity’ and ‘equality under the law’ but if we are unsure about the concept of ‘equality’ in the first place then these phrases don’t mean a whole lot.

People have said to me, “But humans are different, so how can they be equal?” or “We have to have difference – it’s just natural” and “I’d hate it if everybody was the same…”

These arguments are mistaking ‘Equality’ for ‘similarity’ or ‘sameness’. This kind of mistaken thinking is often a cover for discriminatory practices.

These arguments take the form of;

Women are different to men, so they shouldn’t earn as much as males,


Black folk are different to Europeans so it’s alright to enslave them.

But different doesn’t mean inferior.

Obviously there are differences between people, but there is no intrinsic reason why that should preclude equality.

Equality means everyone has the same right of respect from other individuals and to be treated fairly by social institutions.

Equality means we all have the same right to self-expression, self-determination and the chance to live and grow. Clearly there is a long way to go to achieve this.

What we are saying can be summed up by the phrase, “Equal but different…”

Click here to listen to the brilliant Au Pairs sing about this idea.

Our diversity is our strength, not an opportunity to discriminate against others.

Although the majority of us live in modern societies that claim to be democracies, there are plenty of old ideas still circulating that hark back to the pre-democratic systems that promoted inequality.

These hierarchical systems of social organisation are the biggest obstacles to developing truly modern societies where everyone has an equal stake and input into all aspects of life.

It’s worth briefly examining the ideas that were used to justify inequality in the past.

The Great Chain of Being 

(Latin; scala naturae, literally “ladder or stairway of nature”) was a concept derived from Plato and Aristotle and developed more fully in Neoplatonism. 

The Chain charts a fixed hierarchical structure of all matter and life. 

The chain starts from God and progresses downward to angels, demons, fallen and renegade angels, stars,            the Moon, kings, princes, nobles, men, wild animals, domesticated animals, trees, other plants, precious stones, precious metals, and other minerals.

Each link in the chain could be divided further into its component parts.

In medieval feudal society, the king was at the top, succeeded by the aristocratic lords, next came the merchants and then the peasants below them.

Solidifying the king’s position at the top of humanity’s social order is the doctrine of the Divine right of Kings.

In the family, the father was considered head of the household; below him came his wife; below her, their children.

This mistaken notion that some are more important than others underpins racist and sexist thinking, and that some nations can dominate other countries.

While there are small differences between people of various races, there is more divergence within each race than with other races.

However, there are marked differences between the sexes – this is called Sexual Dimorphism.

Men and women have different bodies statistically, meaning men tend to be taller and heavier with more muscle than women. However individuals may not display these attributes – some women are taller than some men for instance.

Crucially, modern research points to differences in brain organisation and processing systems, and I think this is really important.

Men and women think differently yet this isn’t taken into account in education and other aspects of life.

In my next post I will examine these differences in more detail.



The Max Keiser show, On The Edge, was really good this week and the guest Mike Ruppert from explained clearly the ideas behind my novel DOG Sharon: The Future is Female and the related Womanifesto!

Mike Ruppert is an interesting character with plenty to say about the state of the human world. He’s advocating growing your own food, getting together and building local partnerships, and ignoring the authorities as much as possible. He suggests we let ’em sink in their own incompetence, because their business model has failed.

A paradigm shift in human consciousness is needed to move onwards and upwards. But it’s no good tinkering with the system or looking to leaders.


The inequality of the current economic system has developed from the idea that all the lands of the Earth and all the peoples are just commodities that may be owned by a small elite.

This hierarchical system can be easily visualised as a pyramid with a king, emperor, prime minister, president, priest, pope, patriarch, imam, ayatollah, shah, csar or tyrant on the top and everyone else beneath.

Below the kings come the nobles and below them the middle classes. Of course, the bottom tier is by far the largest as it is made up of the working masses.

Without the masses the elites would be at the bottom, so they need lots of new workers.

Shit comes down, money and power flows up.

It’s a brilliant idea – if you’re near the top.

But, most of us are at the bottom.

In the shit.

Lowerarchy is the opposite of Hierarchy 😉

As more and more of us see through the illusion of control a tipping point of consciousness will be reached which will allow everyone else to make that leap.

That’s the paradigm shift.

The only way is up…


The Roman Catholic Church is an Evil Scam

Most everybody knows priests in the Catholic Church have abused children since time immemorial, and this begs the question, “How has this been allowed to continue for so long?” And also, “What steps have been taken to stop this and how are they protecting children now?”

Well, the answers don’t make comfortable reading. In the same way tobacco companies have shifted their evil wares to less developed countries, the RC church moves its abusing clerics to other parishes, dioceses and nations.

And then it covers up the crimes.

In the USA alone over 6500 kids have been abused and thousands of priests accused. Now imagine how many have been molested globally…

So what did His Holiness the Pope do to help these thousands of children? He wrote the Crimen Sollicitationis.

Click here for BBC documentary exposing this awful organisation.

Created in 1962 by one Cardinal Ratzinger, Crimen Sollicitationis was issued in secret to bishops across the world and outlined procedures to be followed when dealing with allegations of child abuse, homosexuality and bestiality by members of the clergy.

It swore all parties involved to secrecy on pain of excommunication from the Catholic Church.

This document was reissued in 2001 by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger and sent to all bishops.

Yet rather than ordering more openness and cooperation with the authorities as demanded by both law enforcers and the victims, Ratzinger reiterated its policies and ensured that the Code of Silence be applied to all cases of child abuse involving a priest.

Cardinal Ratzinger also instructed that all cases should now be referred to his office directly and that he would maintain ‘exclusive competence’ over the handling of allegations.

This is the Catholic Church’s policy to this day and Cardinal Ratzinger is now Pope Benedict XVI.

The policy laid out in this evil document has led to systemic failure and allowed a significant number of priests to abuse again, and further children have been put at risk.

How can people still allow these evil men access to their children? They claim to be ‘Holy’ but in reality act more like Cosa Nostra – the Sicilian Mafia.

The Roman Catholic hierarchy have a Code of Silence, the Mafia have Omerta.

Protect your children by never leaving them alone with a priest, vicar or any other so-called ‘Holy’ man and join the fight to



If any good is to come out of the orchestrated protests taking place across much of the Islamic world, it is surely to show the complete absence by the so-called faithful of any confidence in their god. The same goes for the crazy evangelicals and Roman Catholics railing against women’s empowerment and harmless gay people. If they had even the slightest belief that their deity was real they would leave these issues to be sorted out supernaturally and get on with their own lives. So we can be sure that the protests prove there is no god. The concept of the father God is dead – the future is female!

Next we can look and listen and see who is behind all this. On the one hand we have the men in the US who made the film “Innocence of Muslims”.

They may belong to a religion – Coptic Christianity and Zionist Judaism have been mentioned, although there is no proof of this – or it may be an intelligence agency project designed as part of a centuries-old divide and conquer strategy.

Britain and the US have played the religious fundamentalist card many times to destroy the legitimate aspirations of self-determination by many nations across the world.

Exactly the same way that they’ve used fake fears of “communism” to justify invasions, installing despots and unleashing death squads.

Both the US and UK have deliberately created the situations in Iraq and Egypt where theocratic regimes dominate rather than let the people find modern democratic solutions to their society’s problems. The UK has schemed with the Muslim Brotherhood for decades to counter nationalist movements in Egypt and paid Shia ayatollahs to wreak havoc in Iraq in order to keep cheap oil flowing under the rule of the evil Shah.

Similarly, the US traded with the ayatollahs in post-revolutionary Iraq in order to buy weapons and pay for their illegal war against the democratically elected Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Oliver North wasn’t acting alone folks – it was a deliberate US policy.

And what about Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia has spent more money on promoting their monstrous Wahhabist version of Islam than any PR project, ever.

Think about that for a minute – more money than any other PR project…

Everybody I’ve asked to guess which is the biggest PR campaign, has come up with reasonable answers like ‘Coca-cola’, ‘Soap powder’ or ‘Volkswagen’ but it’s those lovable old sheiks – the House of Saud. Britain and more recently the US have created and buttressed this evil state with one reason in mind…


Successive US and UK governments have known full well, all along, what the Saudis were doing and they just let it happen.

Remember what nationality most of the 9/11 hijackers were? Which nationalities gave most money to Osama Bin Laden to fund al Qaeda? Yep – Saudis. Yet both US and UK bigwigs bend over backwards to congratulate the Saudis for being ‘moderate’ and a bulwark against ‘extremism’.

Next in line for funding and supporting extremism comes Pakistan, another state created and supported by the West. Pakistan’s ISI created and still supports the Taliban and Haqqani network yet our government hails it as a partner in the fight against terrorism.

Even a cursory reading of the histories of South America and the Middle East will confirm the above, but how many people actually investigate things for themselves?

While folk are caught in the maze of religion they have no time to learn their own history and how the elites have fooled them so many times and for so long. They debate endlessly about unanswerable questions while the men in control continue to build their empires.

The Greeks were already discussing mathematics, physics, astronomy, geometry, philosophy, drama, criticism and poetry, among other things, over 2,500 years ago and had invented the gymnasium, democracy and some brilliant architecture.

I don’t mean to argue they created all this from scratch as they obviously built on earlier work by the Babylonians, Egyptians and others. Also the Indus and Chinese cultures were also investigating these and other areas of knowledge.

But Islam – in its present Saudi-sponsored form, earlier versions were much more enlightened – and modern Christianity are taking us down an intellectual one way street, a cul-de-sac, a road to nowhere.

That is why both religions oppose the empowerment of women – they know that as women become more educated and powerful they will take our species towards enlightenment and away from warfare and domination.

So they try to stop women having control over their own bodies and thus control of reproduction, because they know that whoever controls reproduction, controls the future.

The religious and political leaders are only too aware they need new workers, congregations and soldiers, so attempt to keep women ignorant and powerless – but they’re fighting a losing battle.

That is why I wrote my satirical novel, DOG Sharon: The Future is Female (DOG is an acronym for Daughter Of God).

The book is an attack on male-defined religions and the use of violence as a political system.

Supporters of the present system claim there is no alternative but they know this isn’t true. Evidence for this can be seen in how they kill and imprison activists the world over. They know the general trend of history is toward self-expression and self-determination so they murder, repress and lie to hold back the tide.

But as the clever King Canute showed his ignorant followers hundreds of years ago, time and tides halt for no man




I’ve been discussing the concept of ‘orthodoxy’ with a couple of blogger friends recently (MaddSuspicions and Omadeon) and we agree this type of mind control is the opposite of real thinking.

 The word ‘orthodoxy’ comes from two Greek root words, ‘ortho’ meaning straight and ‘doxa’ meaning opinion. The word ‘religion’ comes from a root word meaning to bind.

From this short etymological examination it’s obvious that religious leaders who promote and police orthodoxy don’t want their followers thinking for themselves – for that quickly leads to heresy – another word derived from a Greek word ‘hairesis’ meaning to take or make a choice. Where would we be without these brilliant Greeks?

 This is hugely topical as protests against a film criticising the founder of Islam have taken place across much of the world where Muslims reside. I argued yesterday that this was orchestrated by so-called religious leaders for all-to-worldly ends, for these imams and ayatollahs, like the pastors, patriarchs and popes are political leaders really.

 These people care nothing for spiritual values, they are all about power and control over their populations. It matters not which god they claim to serve, they’re all the same. And like successful political leaders the world over, they know how to make the most of an opportunity. Just as crazy evangelicals attack gay marriage and abortion, their Islamic shadows scream about blasphemy whenever anybody questions their ideologies.

 Today it is the turn of Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, who has called for the adoption of an international law to criminalize all forms of attacks against Islam and other religions.

In a speech broadcast on closed-circuit television in Lebanon on Sunday, Nasrallah said with a straight face, “There should be resolutions adopted in top international institutions, which are binding on all states and governments in the world, to forbid the defamation of religions.” 

“Those who write or draw or make such a film would know that they would be punished wherever they are and they would not feel protected,” the Hezbollah secretary general stated. 

He then called on Muslims across the world to protest against the anti-Islam film, which he described as “the worst attack ever on Islam, worse than the Satanic Verses by Salman Rushdie, the burning of the Qur’an in Afghanistan, and the cartoons in the European media.” 

 Now I’ve read The Satanic Verses, and if this story really scares the religious faithful, you’d have to draw the conclusion that the leaders are not that confident in the whole edifice of Islam. I have also read an English translation of the Koran and it’s not that impressive either. It’s at about the same level as The Book of Mormon, and that’s not saying much.

Nasrallah continued, “The whole world needs to see the anger on your faces, in your fists and your shouts… The whole world should know that the Prophet has followers who will not be silent in the face of humiliation.” So that proves it – it’s not a real reaction from Muslims but a stage-managed show of strength.

 As my partner said after watching some of these so-called demonstrations, “The protesters keep looking to the cameras and try to pull angry faces like bad actors…” This is exactly what is happening; they look at the camera like bad actors always do – just like the bad actors in the film “The Innocence of Muslims”. (I don’t include Oliver Hardy here BTW)

Anti-US demonstrations, which began on September 11 over the anti-Islam film, have been held across the Muslim world, with protesters storming US embassies and torching US flags. Has anybody ever wondered where these poor people get such expensive flags from? 🙂

Muslims in Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, India, Iraq, Morocco, Syria, Kuwait, Nigeria, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Australia, Britain, the United States, France, Belgium, and some other countries have held many demonstrations to condemn the movie. Similar protests were also held in Kashmir and the Gaza Strip.

In a move which can only be described as ‘comical’ Nasrallah called on the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to hold an extraordinary meeting on the issue. The Hezbollah chief also demanded an urgent Arab League session to discuss future moves against the sacrilegious film. 

Now when things like this happen it makes me want to make a good film critical of Islam – to do what ‘Life of Brian’ did for Christianity. And the more these lying leaders threaten the more the desire burns in me to satirise their bullshit.

I’ve already written a satire of Christianity with a female Ms.siah and her middle-aged girlfriends as the disciples. It’s as iconoclastic and cutting as I could make it and takes the piss out of traditional male power structures. Yet the pastors, priests and patriarchs are much funnier than satire, as my mate at the MaddSuspicions blog said this morning, “Truth is indeed stranger than fiction!”

So please everyone, don’t let ranting rulers scare you – they’re the ones that are scared – terrified that the people in so-called Muslim communities will learn about history and the world and make up their own minds. That’s why they control their women so tightly, they know a little learning is a bad thing for bullshit religions, and they need to keep brainwashing the kids. Hence the protests about circumcision as well – they know if they don’t put their evil mark on the children when they’re young there won’t be another generation of the faithful.

So friends, oppose orthodoxy, ignore or scorn these so-called religions and make your own minds – it’s the only way to true wisdom.


When I first stopped eating meat in 1982 it was for two reasons; partly because I didn’t like the factory farming system and also because it felt ethically and morally wrong to slaughter sentient mammals and birds for food when there were alternatives.

In those days climate change wasn’t on the agenda and carbon dioxide emissions weren’t considered crucial. Yet the UN asked us over two years ago to move towards a meat and dairy product free diet to save the world from the worst effects of global warming.

How many people do you know that listened to this advice?

Did you?

Perhaps you never read about it at the time? Well I’m telling you now – meat is murder, for the animals, environment and the climate.

Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said, “Animal products cause more damage than producing construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as burning fossil fuels.”

As I learned more about farming methods I became more and more sure it was the right decision, especially when the Thatcher government allowed farmers to feed rendered carcasses of dead animals to cows to save money and increase profits. This terrible policy, for which I believe nobody was prosecuted or even censured, led to the deaths of over four and half million cattle in the UK alone and 200 humans globally.

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE was popularly known as Mad Cow Disease and led to British beef being banned for export to the EU for a decade.

It seems to me that this disease is indicative of all that is wrong with the present economic system. Profits come first, before health, happiness or morality. A small group, either farmers or capitalists, make decisions that affect millions or billions of others without caring for the outcomes and with the masses treated like farm animals.

As George Orwell showed in Animal Farm, we are living on a huge factory farm where we are the animals – our worth is measured by how much work we can do for the system and when we are no longer economically productive we’re put out to pasture in old folk’s homes, or left to rot on inadequate pensions. Those with disabilities have their benefits cut, even when it’s obvious these people cannot get jobs, while the media push propaganda that the poor are little better than wild animals that have no value to society and therefore can be safely ignored.

Well over 200 years ago, Jonathan Swift – the greatest satirist these islands has produced, wrote his ‘Modest Proposal’ which suggested poor folk’s children should be fattened up and sold as food for the rich.

It caused a great controversy then, but really, what’s all the fuss about? 30,000 kids die each and every day – that in itself shows we don’t give a shit about human life or we’d all be up in arms and most people don’t even mention it. People in this country are more concerned that some so-called princess’s tits are shown in a foreign magazine. Remember, tits evolved for feeding babies, not for selling newspapers and magazines.

So what’s the difference between eating humans and pigs, cows and sheep? It cannot be solely down to intelligence because it’s clear mammals are highly aware beings that feel pain and become upset when their young are taken away from them. If birds, fish and other animals are highly intelligent and resourceful, as recent studies have amply shown, then nobody could argue pigs are stupid enough to be slaughtered willy-nilly.

In this country we don’t eat horses, cats and dogs – why? In France folk feast on horsemeat and in parts of Asia dog is considered to be very tasty. Click here for online store. Only last week I had a conversation with a chap who told me that dog meat is quite sweet and unlike other more commonly devoured animals.

Apologists for meat eating claim they couldn’t live without regular helpings of flesh and that it is a viable, humane industry. Whenever I hear the word ‘humane’ I cringe. If bestiality is so bad then killing and eating must be much worse – especially as there are alternatives. How can slaughtering millions of chickens, cows, pigs and sheep be anything other than a continuing massacre?

Have you ever been to a chicken factory farm? Go to one then see if you can still stomach your cheap poultry from Tesco. Perhaps you like your animals killed ritualistically by a rabbi or imam? Would you like your throat cut while hanging upside down? If carnivorous aliens landed and fancied a bit of you, would you still think it okay to eat other animals, or would you say, “Hold on, God created us special…”

If you claim to be ‘spiritually inclined’ how can you accept so much suffering to consume your steak, chop and quarter-pounders or watch children eat shit like chicken nuggets?

Humans are animals and most of us care deeply about our fellow beings, whatever species they are.

So when are the majority of our fellow humans going to wake up and treat other animals with the same respect?


The Womanifesto is the philosophy underpinning the novel

DOG Sharon: The Future is Female 

The Womanifesto calls for a positive re-evaluation and adoption of what have traditionally been referred to as Female Values and Perspectives with a corresponding paradigm shift in human affairs.

By this we mean an emphasis on cooperation and community rather than competition and individualism, with society organised to protect its weakest members, namely children and the elderly.

In the present global economic system we are told there is no alternative to production being governed by the Market.

However there can be no production without people and people are created by reproduction.

Therefore whoever controls reproduction controls production and future human society.

This explains why religions and other bastions of male power have worked so hard to regulate and deny female sexuality. These sad people kill to oppose abortion, fight against birth control and do anything to prevent children getting proper sex education.

The rulers need our children for their wars and as workers, but they don’t want to acknowledge the power of reproduction.

They can’t let the women speak out.

So they denigrate the Feminine and attack women because they’re scared.

When women manage reproduction, the risk posed by overpopulation – probably the biggest challenge facing humanity – will quickly diminish and our species will no longer threaten all other life on the planet.

If women see a future where their children will be working for slave wages or die in wars or starve or die of thirst – if women see this, they will refuse to bring more children into the world.

Why should women give birth to children in a society that abuses most of the people most of the time, a society that lets tens of thousands of kids die each and every day from preventable causes?

Women everywhere are demanding change, and will not be denied. The genie is truly out of the bottle.

The existing order is based on violence or the threat of violence. But as violence creates more violence this is obviously counterproductive.

Women and children suffer most from wars and crime, face sexual assault, domestic violence and constant harassment.

Violence in all its forms must become a thing of the past.

We’ll need new politics for this new society and we’re calling it Lowerarchy.

Everybody knows a hierarchy is a pyramid-like structure with power concentrated at the top. This model worked well for kings, emperors, presidents, prime ministers, warlords and tyrants of every kind, and when allied with military might, has allowed these dictators to dominate the vast majority of people for the last several thousand years.

Hierarchies are part of our heritage, but then so is cannibalism: both have no place in a modern egalitarian society.

Government has developed from the absolute rule of kings and is the means by which the few dominate the many – so is part of the problem not a solution.

Lowerarchy is the opposite of hierarchical organisation.

In the Lowerarchy there will be no need for leaders as there will be no nations to lead. Local people will decide for themselves how to live and manage resources.

Then artificial national boundaries can be dissolved, and with no nation states to defend, armies will become redundant so can safely be disbanded.

Likewise, security services can be dismantled as we would all be on the same side.

The policies of the powerful nations, from colonial times to the present, have caused great inequality in the world, both at the level of continents and regions and for individuals.

We propose a couple of modest rebalancing policies.

The first is that antisocial debts, whether at the international level such as money supposedly owed by poor nations to rich, or by ordinary folk to financial institutions, should all be cancelled.

If we Default All Debts, everyone can start again. Most folk would be better off – only the rich would lose. And if we lost a few financial institutions, would anybody care or even notice?

Second, if we want a world where everybody truly feels equal, then let’s reflect that in the economic sphere.

We suggest a One World, One Wage policy.

It’s a simple plan. Everybody gets paid the same salary. So cleaners get the same as bankers, teachers are equal to dinner ladies and mums valued as much as soccer stars.

So we run society just like a big co-operative – because that’s what we are.

And as we truly are all in this together, obviously those that can’t work will be cared for: that’s what society’s for.

Once this is implemented, and in tandem with the debt default, much of the inequality will soon be squeezed out of the system. After the real price of labour has been factored in, the true value of any good or service can be calculated.

The alternative to the above?

Catastrophic overpopulation, continued unfettered competition and the commodification of everything, wholesale destruction of the natural world, mass extinctions, more pollution and greenhouse effects on the climate, a further widening of the gap between the rich and poor, loss of civil liberties, wars over resources, famines and the likely destruction of the species.

It’s time we changed the way we live –

Let’s make the Future Female!


DOG Sharon – The Movie

This is a short trailer I made about my novel to get the idea across. The soundtrack starts after a bit 🙂










Excellent writing on a crucial issue – a must read!

Crates and Ribbons

Last night, I attended a public debate hosted by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, on the rights of anti-abortion protestors to campaign outside abortion clinics. The pro-choice half of the panel consisted of Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS, and Sarah Ditum, a writer and journalist. The opposing half consisted of Andrea Minichiello Williams, founder of Christian Concern, and Max Wind-Cowie, a writer with centre-right political beliefs.

Both Ann and Sarah gave excellent speeches. While fully supporting the notion of freedom of speech as essential to the exchange of ideas, they argued that freedom of speech does not extend to the right to bully, harass, and intimidate. As Ann asserts, “It is not a kind of charter that allows you to say anything you want, to anyone you want, at any time you want, in any place you want.” And you can be sure that when anti-abortion protestors camp outside…

View original post 1,383 more words


We went for a lovely picnic a couple of days ago to an area of Solihull called Catherine de Barnes. The village name supposedly derives from ‘Ketelberne’ a man who lived there when the Doomsday Book was compiled in 1086 after the Norman conquest in 1066.

We walked along the local section of the Grand Union Canal which connects London and Birmingham. There’s a nice country pub beside the canal called The Boat Inn where we go occasionally. 

Just past the pub there’s a bridge which leads to fields by the old isolation hospital. The hospital has been converted to apartments but formerly housed folk suffering from seriously contagious diseases and the last person to die of smallpox passed away here in 1978. This is featured in my second novel, a thriller, which I hope to finish before the end of this year.

We had our picnic in a quiet field surrounded by rabbits and wild flowers. It’s a idyllic spot and something  of a sun-trap as we were shielded from the breeze by small trees and bushes. I love to read there as well and it’s very easy to lose oneself in the rich, green, natural surroundings.

We are lucky living in Solihull as the countryside is never far away. This is reflected in the town’s motto – URBS IN RURE – town in the country.

Roman Catholic church’s paedophile investigator jailed for possessing thousands of child porn images

This report below is absolutely outrageous – why on earth should this man even have any access to victims of sex abuse? Members of the Catholic Church are regularly convicted of abusing children – so why should they sit on these types of teams? I suppose his job was to keep the Church out of further allegations.

Also the bloke got one year in prison – one year – was the judge a Catholic as well? Or a fellow abuser?

It’s all so corrupt and these monsters have the nerve to campaign against gay marriage…

A Catholic Church child safety coordinator who was in charge of investigating sexual abuse allegations was jailed for 12 months today for internet pedophile offences.

Christopher Jarvis, 49, a married father-of-four, investigated historic claims of child abuse, interviewing the victims when they were adults.

He was responsible for child protection at 120 churches and parish community groups for nine years.

He also, as a member of the Devon and Cornwall Multi-Agency Safeguarding Team, had access to police and social services information about victims of child abuse.


Firstly let me thank Leopard for her brilliant blog CRATES AND RIBBONS and nominating DOG Sharon for the ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD. As with other similar blogging awards the rules are fairly simple – thank the nominator, answer some personal questions and nominate other blogs.

In this case the winner has to thank the nominating blogger, post the award graphic, nominate 15 blogs, share 7 things about themselves and comment on the blogs nominated.

I had a cuppa and thought about this: 15 blogs – and those blog owners nominate 15 more and so on. This is termed a geometric progression (I think) 🙂

I then wondered how many WordPress blogs actually existed.

According to Forbes “WordPress powers one of every 6 websites on the Internet, nearly 60 million in all, with 100,000 more popping up each day. Those run through its cloud-hosted service, which lets anybody create a free website online, attract 330 million visitors who view 3.4 billion pages every month.”

So assuming each blogger takes 2 days to accept the award and nominate another 15 the numbers go like this:

DAY 1    – 1 x 15 = 15 blogs nominated

DAY 3    – 15 x 15 = 225 blogs nominated

DAY 5    – 15 x 225 = 3,373 blogs nominated

DAY 7    – 15 x 3,373 = 50,625 blogs nominated

DAY 9    – 15 x 50,625 = 259, 375 blogs nominated

DAY 11  – 15 x 259, 375 = 3,890,025 blogs nominated

DAY 13  – 15 x 3,890,025 = 58,350,375 blogs nominated

DAY 15  – 15 x 58,350,375 = 875,255,625 blogs nominated

DAY 17  – 15 x 875,255,625 = 13,128,834,375 blogs nominated

DAY 19  – 15 x 13,128,834,375 = 196,932,515,625 blogs nominated

DAY 21  – 15 x 196,932,515,625 = 2,953,987,734,375 blogs nominated

DAY 23  – 15 x 2,953,987,734,375 = 44.309,816,015,625 blogs nominated

Therefore if everybody nominated for the ironically named ONE LOVELY BLOG AWARD nominated another 15 blogs (and they didn’t keep nominating the same blogs) all the approx 60 million blogs would be receive the award in13 days.

By day 17 the numbers of awards would equal twice the population of the Earth and by day 23 would equal about Global GDP in pounds sterling.

So what am I to do? I would argue that if an award is to mean anything, then everybody can’t win it in less than 3 weeks. I’m quite happy to reveal 7 things.

So readers – please make some suggestions – what do you think is the best course of action?


Recently people keep talking about this or that politician, or they say let’s petition parliament or the president. But these are the bastards that are oppressing us – we don’t need governing – that’s what kings, dictators and emperors have done for thousands of years. Governments are just the same – they are a way of managing the people – they’re not for us!

We don’t need hierarchies so I’ve invented the word LOWERARCHY

If we are all the same let’s act like it – don’t give your power to leaders – they’re part of the problem not the solution.


QUESTION: What links shelf stackers, till cashiers, actuaries, carers and ex-carers, refuse collectors, apprentices, waitresses, nursery workers, laundry and dry cleaners, farm workers and labourers, women from the French feminist group La Barbe who wear beards and take the piss out of male power, bouncers and bar attendants, box office clerks, hospital auxiliaries, porters, consultants of every hue, hospitality workers, taxi drivers, warehouse assistants, council officers,  retail assistants, women who describe themselves as actors and actresses, bus drivers, train drivers, driving instructors, hairdressers, betting shop workers, food processing operatives, assorted adwomen, TV engineers, a prime number of mathematicians and statisticians, therapists, TU officials, toolmakers, town planners, camerawomen, a trichologist, welfare rights officers, a Mrs Big, van drivers, brewers, painters and decorators, factory workers, childcare workers, community and youth workers, textile and clothing factory workers, car park attendants, editors, more traffic wardens, scaffolders, funeral directors, teams of door-to-door saleswomen, an intelligence officer, teaching assistants, breeders, teachers, lecturers, dinner ladies and school cooks, inspectors, bingo-callers, telephone engineers, cabin crew, beggars, cafe and restaurant staff, anthropologists, market researchers, Big Issue vendors, chambermaids, masses of secretaries and armies of administrators, lots of unemployed women, tax collectors, VAT women, chemists, pharmacists, telesales, spammers, hackers, air traffic controllers, customs officials, conwomen, factory inspectors, meter readers, opticians, network engineers, service engineers, numerous students, several politicians, psychologists and social psychologists, a couple of canal boat brokers, bursars, reflexologists, captains of vessels and a captain of industry, authors, carpenters, surveyors, bakers, coaches, road workers, pop stars, archivists, art dealers, plasterers, beauticians, career criminals, forensic accountants and a former terrorist?

ANSWER: DOG Sharon: The Future is Female