Making the Future Female



St. Louis Community College-Meramec sociology professor Lisa Martino-Taylor told The Associated Press that her research showed that the Army may have sprayed radioactive particles with zinc cadmium sulfide while claiming that it was testing a smoke screen that could prevent Russians from observing St. Louis from the air.

Those tests were concentrated in predominately-black areas of the city, which Army documents called “a densely populated slum district.”


In 1994, the Army confirmed to Congress that St. Louis was chosen because it resembled Russian cities that the U.S. might have to attack with biological weapons.


“The study was secretive for a reason,” Martino-Taylor explained to KDSK last month. “They didn’t have volunteers stepping up and saying yeah, I’ll breathe zinc cadmium sulfide with radioactive particles.”

Click here for short film report from Press TV

Documents showed that the Army used airplanes to drop the chemicals in Corpus Christi, but sprayers were mounted on station wagons and buildings in St. Louis.

“It was pretty shocking. The level of duplicity and secrecy. Clearly they went to great lengths to deceive people,” Martino-Taylor observed. “This was a violation of all medical ethics, all international codes, and the military’s own policy at that time.”

“There is a lot of evidence that shows people in St. Louis and the city, in particular minority communities, were subjected to military testing that was connected to a larger radiological weapons testing project.”

Last month, both Missouri Sens. Claire McCaskill (D) and Roy Blunt (R) demanded that Army Secretary John McHugh come clean about the testing. For its part, the Army refused to comment on the matter until it had responded to the senators, the AP reported. 

Doris Spates was a baby when her father died inexplicably in 1955. She has watched four siblings die of cancer, and she survived cervical cancer.

After learning that the Army conducted secret chemical testing in her impoverished St. Louis neighborhood at the height of the Cold War, she wonders if her own government is to blame.

In the mid-1950s, and again a decade later, the Army used motorized blowers atop a low-income housing high-rise, at schools and from the backs of station wagons to send a potentially dangerous compound into the already-hazy air in predominantly black areas of St. Louis.

Demo for Spanish women’s reproductive rights

This was missed by most media

The Free

With all the excitement of the attacks on  Occupy Congress and the monster response demos lets not forget Saturday was also the Global Action Day for free abortion, safe and free..

Some cities, such as Madrid and Barcelona, ​​turned violet to demand the decriminalization of abortion.
Feminist platforms throughout Spain have held today, for the first time in the country, the Global Day of Action for Access to Safe and Legal Abortion. The festival, which began in Latin America in the 90s, gained special importance on this side of the pond due to the announcement of the Minister of Justice, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, of the anti abortion legislation.

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After the BBC claimed to be ‘horrified’ at allegations about Jimmy Savile and sex abuse, more women have come forward to add to the controversy.

Yet the media still call this abuser ‘Sir’

According to today’s UK Guardian, two women have come forward with further allegations of sexual abuse by Savile.

The BBC now says it will assist any police investigation.

One alleged victim waived her anonymity to describe how she and a friend were allegedly molested by the Jim’ll Fix It star in the 1970s when they were 14.

Pictures of victim of ‘Sir’ Jimmy Savile with him.

Dee Coles told ITV News that she and her friend were made to perform sex acts on Savile in a camper van when they were on holiday in Jersey.

“He didn’t seem like a stranger. He was on our telly every Saturday night. It was exciting being with someone on TV,” said Coles.

“But I felt immense panic as soon as the door locked. Afterwards, it was shame.”

Unbelievably, Michael Grade told Channel 4 News on Tuesday night that he heard rumours about Savile’s conduct while he was boss of BBC 1, but said any suggestion of a cover-up was ”ludicrous’.

Grade said he had fleetingly heard rumours, claiming: “There were question marks, certainly.” But he added: “I never heard anything that gave me cause to think we should investigate or do anything about it. There were questions, but the entertainment industry is awash on a sea of rumours.”

But as this Savile bloke had access to children and vulnerable people, Grade’s hand-wringing counts for nothing. If he had heard stuff he should have investigated and not stopped his own journalists from doing so properly.


Why I became a vegetarian

This sort of sums up the way I feel as well


News broke today that creepy former Radio 1 deejay and television presenter Jimmy Savile was interviewed under caution by Surrey police in 2007 about sexual assault allegations dating back to the 1970s.

However, the force dropped its 2007 investigation after the Crown Prosecution Service advised that there was insufficient evidence for a prosecution, the force said on Monday.

The development came to light after up to 10 women told a documentary they were assaulted by the Jim’ll Fix It frontman, who died last year.

The supposed ‘lack of evidence’ can be read to mean Savile was rich and connected to powerful figures, as a former BBC presenter says she actually caught him abusing a young girl.

Broadcaster Paul Gambaccini has added to the claims that Savile sexually abused schoolchildren, claiming the star used his charity work and ‘imperial personality’ within show business to prevent his private life being exposed.

Speaking ahead of a forthcoming ITV documentary that claims Savile abused schoolgirls during his many years of stardom, Gambaccini said his former Radio 1 colleague played tabloid newspapers “like a Stradivarius” in order to keep the abuse secret.

Now the BBC is under pressure to explain why it stopped an investigation by it’s own journalists.

Late last year the BBC decided to drop a Newsnight item investigating allegations of sexual abuse by Savile, who died last October aged 84, leading to accusations the piece was ‘killed’ to spare the Corporation’s reputation. Instead, two tribute programmes celebrating his BBC career were aired.

However, a BBC spokesman said no evidence of any allegations of misconduct had ever been found in its files, so it was “simply not possible for the Corporation to take any further action”.

FOOD INC. – Shocking statistics about how a few giants control the US food market.

Shocking statistics about how a few giants control the US food market. The regulators are drawn mainly from the food industry and the huge financial clout of the market leaders ensures their business model triumphs over good sense and healthy eating.

Stop Alimentarius

Στo FOOD, Inc, ο σκηνοθέτης Robert Kenner σηκώνει το πέπλο για τη βιομηχανία τροφίμων της Αμερικής, εκθέτοντας την τεράστια εκβιομηχάνιση που έχει κρυφτεί από τον Αμερικανό καταναλωτή και δεν συμβαδίζει με τους ρυθμιστικούς οργανισμούς USDA και FDA.

Ο εφοδιασμός των τροφίμων του έθνους τώρα ελέγχεται από μια χούφτα εταιριών που θέτουν συχνά κέρδος πάνω από την υγεία των καταναλωτών, την ποιότητα ζωής του γεωργού, την ασφάλεια των εργαζομένων και του

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Today we dined on organic porridge and fruit.

What do you fancy first thing in the morning?

SLUTWALK LONDON – A personal account

This interesting article brings the personal and the political together.

Crates and Ribbons

On 24 January 2011, a Toronto police officer gave a talk on crime prevention. When speaking about rape, he uttered the now infamous words, “Women should avoid dressing like sluts.” Enraged at his words and the culture of victim-blaming it reflected, Canadians marched to let everyone know that women’s clothes were not responsible for rape; rapists were. Although it was a Canadian police officer who had made those comments, the rape culture that gave rise to the sentiment was not confined to Canada. Women from around the world recognised it, shared their outrage, and have joined in the movement, with Slutwalk protest rallies popping up in more than 40 countries so far.

From the start, Slutwalk has been controversial, even among feminists. Some seek to reclaim the word ‘slut’, to redefine it to mean a sexually liberated woman, instead of a judgmental term used to cast aspersions on the morality…

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Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary …

FLOURIDATION – healthy or not?

FLOURIDATION – healthy or not?

What do you know about FLOURIDATION? Do you think it’s a good idea or are you worried about this process.

I’ve just watched a documentary and now I’m concerned the process is probably not such a great idea. 

The flouride is added to water in the form of Hexaflourosilicic acid, a waste product from the industrial processes used in making fertilizers.

Hexafluorosilicic acid is also commonly used for water fouridation in several countries including the United States, Great Britain, and Ireland. In the U.S., about 40,000 tons of fluorosilic acid is recovered as waste from phosphoric acid plants, and then used primarily in water fluoridation, sometimes after being processed into sodium silicofluoride.

There’s scientific evidence to study and the economic, social and political background which leads me to think this is a massive con.

Edward Bernays, the man who has been called the father of public relations and who worked to promote smoking for women and the propaganda behind a coup in Guatemala, was employed to push this process onto the American public.

Anyway, don’t believe me, watch some of this movie, 

An Inconvenient Tooth 

a documentary film about the water flouridation controversy which arises from moral, ethical, political, and safety concerns regarding the fluoridation of public water supplies. Then see what you think.

The controversy occurs mainly in English-speaking countries, as Continental Europe does not practice water fluoridation. Instead, fluoride is added to most table salt in Europe.

In the UK, my area the West Midlands, is part of the 10% that uses this process.


This is a most important film and it might literally save your life…

Good Clean Food

Is there anything Kale CAN’T do?

Watch this – and yes, it’s long, but you’ll get the idea after about 15 minutes and might just be hooked.

And no, we’re not hardcore vegans, so I feel a bit guilty. We’re 95%-ers and striving for better without over-complicating things, but this is a good watch. And he’s pretty funny, though it’s probably a “preaching to the choir” sort of deal since I’m pretty sure my Carnivorous friends wouldn’t take too kindly too it.

I once heard that we’re constantly flooded by the answers we need, but if we’re not ready to hear them, they won’t find a home with us.

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When I first stopped eating meat in 1982 it was for two reasons; partly because I didn’t like the factory farming system and also because it felt ethically and morally wrong to slaughter sentient mammals and birds for food when there were alternatives.

In those days climate change wasn’t on the agenda and carbon dioxide emissions weren’t considered crucial. Yet the UN asked us over two years ago to move towards a meat and dairy product free diet to save the world from the worst effects of global warming.

How many people do you know that listened to this advice?

Did you?

Perhaps you never read about it at the time? Well I’m telling you now – meat is murder, for the animals, environment and the climate.

Professor Edgar Hertwich, the lead author of the report, said, “Animal products cause more damage than producing construction minerals such as sand or cement, plastics or metals. Biomass and crops for animals are as damaging as burning fossil fuels.”

As I learned more about farming methods I became more and more sure it was the right decision, especially when the Thatcher government allowed farmers to feed rendered carcasses of dead animals to cows to save money and increase profits. This terrible policy, for which I believe nobody was prosecuted or even censured, led to the deaths of over four and half million cattle in the UK alone and 200 humans globally.

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy or BSE was popularly known as Mad Cow Disease and led to British beef being banned for export to the EU for a decade.

It seems to me that this disease is indicative of all that is wrong with the present economic system. Profits come first, before health, happiness or morality. A small group, either farmers or capitalists, make decisions that affect millions or billions of others without caring for the outcomes and with the masses treated like farm animals.

As George Orwell showed in Animal Farm, we are living on a huge factory farm where we are the animals – our worth is measured by how much work we can do for the system and when we are no longer economically productive we’re put out to pasture in old folk’s homes, or left to rot on inadequate pensions. Those with disabilities have their benefits cut, even when it’s obvious these people cannot get jobs, while the media push propaganda that the poor are little better than wild animals that have no value to society and therefore can be safely ignored.

Well over 200 years ago, Jonathan Swift – the greatest satirist these islands has produced, wrote his ‘Modest Proposal’ which suggested poor folk’s children should be fattened up and sold as food for the rich.

It caused a great controversy then, but really, what’s all the fuss about? 30,000 kids die each and every day – that in itself shows we don’t give a shit about human life or we’d all be up in arms and most people don’t even mention it. People in this country are more concerned that some so-called princess’s tits are shown in a foreign magazine. Remember, tits evolved for feeding babies, not for selling newspapers and magazines.

So what’s the difference between eating humans and pigs, cows and sheep? It cannot be solely down to intelligence because it’s clear mammals are highly aware beings that feel pain and become upset when their young are taken away from them. If birds, fish and other animals are highly intelligent and resourceful, as recent studies have amply shown, then nobody could argue pigs are stupid enough to be slaughtered willy-nilly.

In this country we don’t eat horses, cats and dogs – why? In France folk feast on horsemeat and in parts of Asia dog is considered to be very tasty. Click here for online store. Only last week I had a conversation with a chap who told me that dog meat is quite sweet and unlike other more commonly devoured animals.

Apologists for meat eating claim they couldn’t live without regular helpings of flesh and that it is a viable, humane industry. Whenever I hear the word ‘humane’ I cringe. If bestiality is so bad then killing and eating must be much worse – especially as there are alternatives. How can slaughtering millions of chickens, cows, pigs and sheep be anything other than a continuing massacre?

Have you ever been to a chicken factory farm? Go to one then see if you can still stomach your cheap poultry from Tesco. Perhaps you like your animals killed ritualistically by a rabbi or imam? Would you like your throat cut while hanging upside down? If carnivorous aliens landed and fancied a bit of you, would you still think it okay to eat other animals, or would you say, “Hold on, God created us special…”

If you claim to be ‘spiritually inclined’ how can you accept so much suffering to consume your steak, chop and quarter-pounders or watch children eat shit like chicken nuggets?

Humans are animals and most of us care deeply about our fellow beings, whatever species they are.

So when are the majority of our fellow humans going to wake up and treat other animals with the same respect?

Excellent writing on a crucial issue – a must read!

Crates and Ribbons

Last night, I attended a public debate hosted by the British Pregnancy Advisory Service, on the rights of anti-abortion protestors to campaign outside abortion clinics. The pro-choice half of the panel consisted of Ann Furedi, chief executive of BPAS, and Sarah Ditum, a writer and journalist. The opposing half consisted of Andrea Minichiello Williams, founder of Christian Concern, and Max Wind-Cowie, a writer with centre-right political beliefs.

Both Ann and Sarah gave excellent speeches. While fully supporting the notion of freedom of speech as essential to the exchange of ideas, they argued that freedom of speech does not extend to the right to bully, harass, and intimidate. As Ann asserts, “It is not a kind of charter that allows you to say anything you want, to anyone you want, at any time you want, in any place you want.” And you can be sure that when anti-abortion protestors camp outside…

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This is truly shocking – young kids are being tortured in the USA


Channel 4 investigative programme Dispatches exposes what Michael “Groper” Gove and his rich chums are doing to kid’s dinners.

As usual with the ConDems, it’s all about saving money to give to the rich.

After Jamie Oliver’s high-profile campaign to improve school meals, millions of pounds were pumped into improving school canteens and tough minimum standards on food and nutrition were set and enforced. Reporter Tazeen Ahmad examines evidence that strategies to improve the food served in all our schools are fast coming undone.

A hundred and ninety local authorities and 108 Academy schools responded to a survey by the programme, which found massive variations in the amount spent on dinners, with some schools opting out of providing a daily hot meal altogether.

Dispatches visits one English primary school where the only hot food available to children is supplied by volunteers working from the local village hall.

Around half of our children now attend Academy Schools, free from local control. Education Secretary Michael Gove exempted them from nutritional standards introduced by the last government, promising that standards would not deteriorate.

However, the Dispatches survey provides worrying new evidence about previously banned products being made available to pupils. The programme speaks to one catering supplier who says that once again many schools are now looking to source cheap, low-quality products.

One parent did his own detective work to discover out of the £2.10 per meal charged by one council, only 59 pence was being spent on ingredients.

As a consequence many children are voting with their feet, either bringing their own packed lunches or going outside school and eating from take-aways.

Dispatches examines the councils trying to fight back and restrict the growth of fast food outlets near schools, and reveals the national chain reluctant to take no for an answer.


A short documentary made by Aljazeera showing the human cost of the housing crisis on America’s poor – mostly black and brown families who were conned into subprime mortgages and renters who come home to find the locks have been changed and they’re homeless.

This powerful little film follows social activists who are trying to fight back and clean up some empty properties to rehouse the millions without a roof over their heads.

As the social activist said, “We could have bailed out the banks or the people – but we bailed out the banks…”

It should be upsetting to see folk lose their homes, but the rich don’t care, and Obama didn’t care enough to actually do anything. 

But this is the future for the UK, Spain, Italy and the rest of Europe and much of the world if we don’t change the system – it’s time to wake up from the nightmare of the American Dream…


The media in the UK this week have been trumpeting the fact that Vince Cable, the government’s Business Secretary, is supposedly at war with his Conservative colleagues over disagreements about employment legislation and so-called ‘red tape’.

‘Red tape’ is government speak for rules that protect ordinary people from being dismissed for no reason or for health and safety regulations that protect employees in shops, offices and factories across the nation.

A prime example of red tape that was cut by Conservative governments was the regulation that stopped the feeding of mixed up animals to other animals. This led to mad cow disease.

If one is to believe the gutter press, the workers of this country are the most cosseted in the world and cannot be sacked even if they guillotine the managing director. Of course this is nonsense. The health and safety executive whose job it is to monitor these issues never have enough staff to inspect all the businesses, and so are always under pressure.

 The Labour Party has been cozying up to Cable showing they couldn’t care less about workers’ rights as well.

There has been a campaign for many decades to paint health and safety legislation as unneeded, intrusive and expensive for our poor beleaguered businesses. As you would expect, the opposite is true. Students of history will know that working conditions were universally awful in the past. The Factory System started in Britain during the time of the Industrial Revolution in the second half of the 18th century. Workers were forced to work up to 16 hours a day for a pittance. Women and children worked in mines and health and safety was nonexistent. This is what William Blake was describing when he wrote about the “dark satanic mills” in his poem Jerusalem.

Individual workers and trade unions battled throughout the 19th century and early 20th century to create a reasonably safe workplace. Sadly, employers care little about their workers and see staff as just another cost of production. What is even more disappointing is that the length and level of propaganda against health and safety is such that many workers echo these calls for fewer regulations as if that would help them in some way.

I’ve worked in a wide variety of workplaces and very few of them take health and safety seriously. Over the last decade I was employed by Jaguar Land Rover at the Solihull plant and can tell those who have never worked in the factory that it was and is a particularly dangerous place.

We take it for granted that everyone strives for safer road safety for instance, so why should factories, offices and shops be any different? Of course it is nonsense, but this message has been hammered home again and again because it saves money for big business. The papers always talk about ‘small companies not being able to cope with all the regulations’ but that is just a smokescreen. As usual it is the bigger businesses that drive the propaganda through the media.

I’ve been injured at work through industrial accidents and can tell you it is not easy to get compensation from an employer. Even when it is obvious that the company was to blame, there are many difficulties for an ordinary person to receive proper compensation. For a start, there has to be witnesses. The company always has lawyers who will lie, cheat and do anything they can go to deny the reality of the situation and reduce the amount of compensation payable.

On top of that there are the trade unions: most ordinary trade union officials are brilliant people who work very hard for their members. However the paid officials are another matter. Often they are in league with the company and work against the interests of the ordinary worker. For a trade union to support one of its members in a claim for an industrial accident the worker has to use the unions preferred solicitors. I have experience of this situation and it was a pretty depressing time. Not only do you have the injuries from the accident but all the odds are stacked against you. You need to be confident, patient, resourceful and thick skinned.

Now we read the Vincent Cable, a former oil company executive, and no friend of the working class. will this week promise to abolish health and safety inspections unless firms are operating in higher risk areas such as construction or energy, or if they have a record of poor performance. The right to compensation is also to be cut back.

Rubbish tabloid newspapers have screamed for years that Britain has a ‘compensation culture’. This, for those who haven’t heard the phrase before, is meant to imply that workers are suing their employers for massive sums every day of the week. As we’ve mentioned before, the truth is obviously nothing like this at all.

I was also a health and safety representative for my area. It was hard enough to get the company to do anything about dangerous situations before, but now the government are planning to cut back on the inspections by the health and safety executive. This is a carte blanche for bad employers to ignore the health of their workers and turn a blind eye to health and safety.

The Conservative Liberal coalition government is planning to turn the clock back to the last century when workers could be hired and fired at the drop of a cloth cap and injuries at work cost the company nothing but the workers their health and prosperity.

Many workers have lost their lives, limbs vision, hearing and livelihoods through accidents at work – but no manager or employer has ever been convicted of manslaughter for these crimes.

Is this the kind of country we want to live in?


This is a fantastic post! Love the Earth and counter the evil alienation caused by capitalism and militarization. What could be more important?


So what does the word “DRUGS” mean to you?

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase “WAR ON DRUGS“?

Why have governments launched this action?

How much does it cost?

What are the statistics?

Who benefits and who suffers?

Let’s start with Deaths related to drug poisoning in England and Wales, 2011

There were 2,652 drug poisoning deaths registered in 2011, and as in previous years, the majority of these deaths were in males. There were 1,772 male deaths from drug poisoning in 2011, a decrease of 6 % since 2010, and the lowest since 2006. However female fatalities rose to 880, an increase of 3 % since 2010, and the highest since 2004. In 2011 there were 1,605 drug misuse deaths. The number of male deaths decreased by 14 % from 1,382 in 2010 to 1,192 in 2011. However over the same period the number of female deaths rose by 3 % from 402 to 413.

Over half (57 %) of all deaths related to drug poisoning involved an opiate drug. In 2011, as in previous years, the most commonly mentioned opiates were heroin and/or morphine, which were involved in 596 deaths. In 2011 there were 486 deaths involving methadone (an opiate substance used to treat heroin addiction, which is sometimes abused).

There were 112 deaths involving cocaine in 2011. The male mortality rate was 3.2 deaths per million population in 2011, which continues a significant downward trend since the peak in 2008. The equivalent rates for females were lower than for males, rising slightly from 0.7 deaths per million population in 2010 to 0.9 in 2011.

Over the past few years a number of new drugs have been controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971, including synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists, for example, ‘spice’, gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and its precursor gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), piperazines such as (benzylpiperazine – BZP and trifluoromethylphenylpiperazine – TFMPP), cathinones such as mephedrone, and pipradrols such as desoxypipradrol. The number of deaths involving so-called  ‘legal highs’ are low compared with the number of deaths from heroin/morphine, and have been relatively stable over the last few years.

Deaths involving cannabis were also very low (7 in 2011) and usually involved more than one substance.

There were 293 drug poisoning deaths involving benzodiazepines in 2011.

There were 393 deaths involving antidepressants in 2011.

The number of deaths involving antipsychotic medication reached a record high of 104 deaths in 2011, which is a 20 % increase since 2010.

There were 207 deaths involving paracetamol and its compounds in 2011. The mortality rates for males and females were similar, and both increased slightly between 2010 -11.

Deaths involving Tramadol hydrochloride (a synthetic opioid analgesic) have increased steadily from the first recorded death in 1996 to 154 deaths in 2011. This increase in mortality may be partly explained by a 42 % increase in prescriptions for tramadol hydrochloride over the last five years.

I take Tramadol hydrochloride… for chronic pain.

But what about legal drugs like alcohol and tobacco?

And Tobacco? Who dies and who profits?

So over seven million people die each year from Alcohol and Tobacco use.



Wealth – a terrible disease that can be easily cured…
Much respect to Nonviolent Conflict for excellent blogging to save the world x

More bad news about modern Britain…
Thanks to Dear Kitty. Some blog for her dedication and work x

Dear Kitty. Some blog

This video is called Pupils speak out about UK child poverty.

From daily News Line in Britain:

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Parents going hungry! – to help feed their children

THE parents of Britain’s poorest children are going hungry so that their children have some food on the table.

Both parents and children are missing regular hot meals, unable to afford warm coats and new shoes and suffering enormous emotional strain, according to a new report from the Child Poverty Action Group.

Child Poverty 2012: It Shouldn’t Happen Here‘ reveals the extent to which poverty is blighting young lives.

One in eight of the poorest children in the UK go without at least one hot meal a day and one in ten of the UK’s poorest parents cut back on food to make sure their children have enough to eat, the report reveals.

The survey…

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Again, this is not satire…

One-Third of Americans Poor or ‘Near Poor’ | THE JEENYUS CORNER

This is the USA today…

The Jeenyus Corner

• Worst humanitarian crisis in nation’s history threatens United States

By Keith Johnson

You don’t need to thumb through a history book to find snapshots of Americans suffering through a great depression. Today, the poverty stricken are more visible than ever. They’re living in cars, under freeway bypasses and camping out in tent cities that are popping up around the country.

Hard times are upon us, and the empirical evidence is there to prove it. Last year, the Bureau of the Census, more commonly referred to as the United States Census Bureau, introduced a new way of measuring poverty by adding in those with incomes less than 50% above the poverty line. According to an article in The New York Times, “That number of Americans is 76% higher than the official account, published in September [2011]. All told, that places 100M people—one in three Americans—either in poverty or…

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Click here to watch a brilliant short film by Peter Joseph, creator of the Zeitgeist movies.

In US election year, Peter sardonically examines American democracy and shows how the capitalist system controls our thoughts and actions so there are no real choices. He shows how puppet politicians are bankrolled by corporations and asks why we need these leaders at all. This is the same point I make in Womanifesto and we agree that modern leaders play the same role as kings, emperors and dictators did formerly.

For democracy to work, all citizens must be educated to understand the issues, yet critical thinking and logic are ignored and learning by rote is taught to millions. Joseph argues the US two party political system is a con – there is no real choice and all good change derives from pressure from below – not the Republican and Democratic parties.

He also shows how the big parties came together to set up and control the Presidential debates so killing intelligent discussion and stopping smaller parties getting airtime. This is exactly the same as in the UK and most other so-called democracies. Noam Chomsky has been saying this for years.

Even now as more and more species become extinct, the climate changes to who knows what and humanity teeters on the brink of disaster, most folk are more interested in inane celebrities, fashion and consumerism.

Peter also shows how religion creates an unthinking populace who do as they are told rather than questioning everything.

So if you care about the future, the ecosystem and your own minds – watch and engage with this film – what could be more important?