Making the Future Female

Posts tagged “information commissioner


A little-known power enjoyed by self-styled queen Elizabeth Windsor (made up name and leader of Anglican Church – an organisation founded ironically on the murder of queens!) and her prat of a son Prince of Wales to alter new laws is due to be exposed after the government lost a legal battle to keep details of its application private.

The information commissioner has ruled that the Cabinet Office must publish an internal Whitehall guide to the way the senior royals are consulted before legislation is introduced to ensure it does not harm their private interests.

The deputy information commissioner, Graham Smith, ruled that the Cabinet Office has until 25 September to release the confidential internal manual. It details how the consent of “The Crown and The Duchy of Cornwall” is obtained before bills are passed into law and what criteria ministers apply before asking the royals to amend draft laws. If it fails to do so it could face high court action.

In the past two parliamentary sessions Charles has been asked to consent to at least 12 draft bills on everything from wreck removals to co-operative societies. Between 2007 and 2009 he was consulted on bills relating to coroners, economic development and construction, marine and coastal access, housing and regeneration, energy and planning.

In Charles’s case, the little-known power stems from his role as the head of the £700m Duchy of Cornwall estate, which provides his £17m-a-year private income.

Nobody ever elected these goons.

There was never a time when the English people were asked if they wanted these spongers. 

They take the piss on a grander scale than any other common criminals.

Isn’t time to clamp down on these unwanted parasites?