Making the Future Female

Posts tagged “condem government


Animal rights campaigners and British animal lovers have vowed to block “by any means possible” the wholesale murder of the UK’s largest wild carnivore – the badger.

According to the UK Guardian, the government is poised to give the go-ahead to the first full-scale cull of badgers in England, under a policy that could soon mean as many as 100,000 of the animals – a third of the national population – will be hunted down and shot dead by farmers and hired marksmen in a futile attempt to protect cattle from bovine tuberculosis.

Remember it was the Thatcher  Conservative government that caused BSE in the UK that led to the killing of four and a half million cattle and the deaths of 200 people worldwide.

Proof that the scientific advice doesn’t support the government’s murderous plans can be seen in the fact that the minister responsible won’t release papers applied for under Freedom of Information rules, claiming they were ‘internal documents’.

According to Whitehall sources, the first of two licences is expected to be issued as soon as Monday for a large pilot cull area in Gloucestershire, which is a hotspot for bovine TB.

The last Labour government said an oral badger vaccine would be ready by 2015. The coalition cancelled five of six trials of injectable vaccines, and said a viable oral vaccine was “years away”.

I ask folk to boycott all English beef and try not to eat meat at all – it’s bad for you in many ways and raises cholesterol levels and causes bowel cancer.

For further disgusting details see my recent post: